Walker raised $30 million.
Outside groups supporting Walker (like Americans for Prosperity) spent at least $18 million.
Barrett raised $3.9 million.
Outside groups supporting Barrett (including labor unions) spent $15.5 million.
So no, the unions did not out-spend what Walker raised. Walker and his supporters spent $48 million, Barrett and his supporters spent $19.4 million.
This is the estimate from June 5, so the final tally for all numbers is likely much higher.
Additionally, the $18 million reported for pro-Walker groups appears to only account for the $3 million AFP spent on its TV ads -- and as noted above, AFP admitted to spending $10 million supporting Walker through a variety of avenues, not just ads. So the amount spent by outside groups supporting Walker could be much, much higher than $18 million.
I find the whole case and surrounding discussion fascinating.
I've been trying to think of why right-wing forces would work so *hard* to destroy an initative founded in the damn Heritage Foundation, of all places. After all, Obama's sell-out to the insurers gives the insurers what they want - few controls, lots more money, and no Public Option.
It must be for the same reason that GOP radio and TV call the corporatist pig in the White House a "socialist".
This is all to drive the national dialog even further to the right - so far right that we will never recover any semblence of sanity.
And *that* outcome is worth even making the insurance shills unhappy.