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  • Reply to: State Farm Insurance Claims "No Fault" in Bankrolling ALEC   12 years 7 months ago
    State farm support of voter suppression and against equal pay for women via their financial support of ALEC has caused us to drop our auto, homeowners and umbrella policy. Why would a company oppose equal pay for women and want to prevent people from voting. Our agent says company VP claims they don't support that part of ALEC but we considered that to be silly to consider.
  • Reply to: Reagan's Top Economist Says GOP Misled the U.S. and Tanked the Economy   12 years 7 months ago


  • Reply to: ALEC Exposed: Warming Up to Climate Change   12 years 7 months ago
    Hey if you are the guys that kick the heck out of the Uncle Bully Sam with the computers... way to go. So you guys are good. Now check out who benefits from all the hype and see if they don't have their hand in the cookie jar in the pther side of things. Also political favors count, payoff are money or other forms of benefit. There is a better way. No one ever won a popularity contest using the government to beat up on another unless they were sadistics pukes in the first place. Check out the money lenders, they like to see deficits cause they make huge profits from the interest. The deeper in debt we get the more generations are their servants. God Bless
  • Reply to: ALEC Exposed: Warming Up to Climate Change   12 years 7 months ago
    While I do appreciate all the numbers and scientific, "research". There a couple of things I would like to understand. Two years ago anthropologists were thrilled when a glacier in Norway receeded enough to reveal artifacts from a pre Viking stoneage culture. The scientists found the artifacts were in context. This means that the ice and snow formed over the artifacts and they were eventually covered by the glacier. The did not move they were found where they lay. So I am wondering what energy scource or atmospheric contaminant produced the warm temperatures during the stoneage cultures activities that were later found after the glacier receeded??? Was it campfires???? Remember this is exact emperical evidence. It is not redacted through numbers nor is it limited to the historical age but predate recorded history thus modern industrial activity. Next we have a book called the Two Mile Time Machine. Ice cores taken from Antarctica and those from Greenland show intense periods of warming and cooling that predate modern industrial civilization. The cores verify each other and support the global trend evident in the core samples. Now I in no way subscribe to the emissions from power plants that are not regulated. In fact it needs to be more so. Pollutants need to be regulated and we need to find create less impact on the environment. I am all for that. But perhaps regrowing the trees that have been clear cut is a much better approach for the CO2 matter. Trees turn CO2 in to O2 by scrubbing out the carbon and creating life. High canopies provide a natural cooling effect that resembles air conditioning through the venting of water vapor via the leaves that expands as it heats up, transpiration it is called. (No one seems to notice the correlation between deforestation and less rain in the temperate and tropical rainforests) It creats an uplift due to thermal expansion and draws air up and across the ground. The canopy also provides a shield for the earth and deflects radiation via the water vapor and the leaves. So instead of costly knee jerk reactionary jumps to conclusion (Please note that the proponents of global warmig and CO2 are also parties to carbon credit trading schemes where they stand to make a lot of money from the rest of us. Al Gore's family own substantial stock in Occidential Petroleum. Al himself took the credit for the largest privatizing scheme in US history by brokering the development of the Naval Oil Reserve, it was to Occidental of course. So if he sees gas prices go up to $5.00 he makes money. In addition Ol Al is a big player in the caron credit scam. This is called hedging, he is gonna make money both ways. So what group of corporations does the CO2 scare benefit, we must ask ourselves???) why don't we the people all work together and us our God given brains to do something that is beneficial and not a lump of cash in some Drama Selling Chicken Little's pocket? Besides trees are everybodys help. I wonder what the planet would be like if we replaced the trees, common sense folks please. And the scientists...PLEASE! How many drugs produced by scientists kill people or create horrendous side effects. Yet the FDA-another alphabet agency with a huge ego-says it was ok for human consumption. Is this a conspiriacy??? Nope, its greed. The agency gets more money budget pesonnel and prestige and holy cow the political clout.... just like the EPA-and NASA now that we no longer have a space program-its survival. After all who wants to leave the cushy government non producing jobs to have to work??? And how much attention do the politicains get along with the celebrities and the other folks who cannot seem to get enough of themselves in photos..... greed takes many forms.
  • Reply to: Palermo Pizza Workers Entering Fourth Week of Strike   12 years 7 months ago
    there is no mention of the labor issues at the company...maybe someone can update the entry with a citation??
