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  • Reply to: Reagan's Top Economist Says GOP Misled the U.S. and Tanked the Economy   12 years 7 months ago

    I don't think that's what is being said at all. He's arguing that a lot of our debt is due to tax cuts and not unnecessary spending. He's mocking the Republican idea that debt doesn't seem to matter if it's a result from tax cuts. Even now, when we're trillions in debt, Romney is promising to grant more tax cuts. In contrast, Obama wants to extend the tax cuts to the middle class only, and he wants to end the tax cuts to people who make over $250,000/year.

  • Reply to: WTO Not So COOL: Rules Against Popular U.S. Meat Labeling Law   12 years 7 months ago
    The duel party system is failing as the 2 parties take turns stripping away various personal, civil, and consumer rights. It just depends on what the product is. But the Green Party may not be the answer. The Green Party supports the environmental aspect of the 99%, but only the part of the 99% that do not also care about their personal medical and health freedom and are willing to go along with the government's current idea of offering insurance to all, but at the cost of not being allowed to make medical decisions for yourself and your children. It has not spoken out against the low standard of care our government adopts, the revolving door environment of the FDA and CDC and NIH that Obama continues to ignore, the willingness of insurance companies to finance treatments but not cures, and the resulting pro-ALEC decisions that involves, and the monopoly of the allopathic medical system that the government endorses at the cost of other more economical and more successful systems of medicine such as Oriental Medicine, Homeopathy, or even Orthomolecular Medicine or Nutritional therapy, none of which tax the environment. Without personal medical freedom and the right to decide what goes in one's body, environmental freedom and consumer rights are incomplete. The Canary Party is the actual answer. Health Freedom protects consumer rights above corporate corruption of democracy. The pharmaceutical and big ag corporate interests, plastic & retail industries which are funded/supported/evolving from the chemical industry are the agents of that corruption, including the meat labeling issue. The Canary Party supports medical consumers' rights and freedoms of choice and necessarily encompasses the environmental issues that need to be resolved in order for people to enjoy true health, instead of spending what little extraneous funds are available to the common man & government on chronic or cancer health care, which then perpetuates the chemical industry's control of our medicine, our environment, our food, our purchasing, and our consumer rights. The Green Party loves the earth, yes. But it stops short of acknowledging that fixing the true primary environment, our bodies, by eating clean food from clean land and using clean, safe medical treatments & retail products based on the precautionary principal addresses the concerns of ALL 100% of our society. This is logic that the Canary Party has addressed already in its platform, which allows it to support such consumer rights such as those the WTO wants to trample.
  • Reply to: Reagan's Top Economist Says GOP Misled the U.S. and Tanked the Economy   12 years 7 months ago

    If you bother to read the original article, Mr. Stockman points some fingers at both parties. While the essence of this article is true, he doesnt blame it all completely on the Repubs just mostly.

    ps. knowing that the person quoted someone, doesnt mean the quote isnt taken somewhat out of context.

  • Reply to: Reagan's Top Economist Says GOP Misled the U.S. and Tanked the Economy   12 years 7 months ago

    "It's more cost efficient to just breed more, rather than provide health care, education, than to keep them alive, and educayshun makes em git uppity, git them idears,"

    like some bizarre Matrix/Swamp People/The Apprentice/Deliverance mashup.

  • Reply to: Reagan's Top Economist Says GOP Misled the U.S. and Tanked the Economy   12 years 7 months ago

    So if you agree with this article you are saying that Reganomics was correct and worked, but that the George Bushes and the Republican congress messed everything up and then the Democrat Congress and the Democrat President that we have had (and 8 years of President Clinton)failed to fix things by using the proven working system.

    I entirely agree with that sentiment.
