What the notion of voter fraud is (as a basis for arguing the case for voter ID laws) is a fraud in itself, perpetrated by Republicans who think the big lie told often by a loud megaphone will make it true. The erroneously appearing name on the voter rolls has to be known by and used fraudulently by a living person who knows it is an erroneously occurring name. That sequence of events happens so seldom as to be non-existent. In a country that was founded by white supremacists, (and wrote slavery into the Constitution; look it up in Article 1 Section 9), it is no wonder what the objective is among the people (the Tea Party and other right wing extremists) who clamor for "a return to the principles of our founding fathers." Republicans have been trading on the idea of loafers and freeloaders mooching off the landed gentry for generations. I say give it a rest and learn how to live in a pluralist democratic society. Have you heard the news? White people are not going to be the majority demographic for very much longer. Get used to it and get over the plantation mentality.
Don't forget however that the son ( John Hinkley Jr.) of G H W Bush's strongest Texas political backer almost killed Reagan which would have made G H W Bush President in 1981.
John's Dad John Hinckly Senior was president of Vanderbilt Oil which was partners with the Bush's and Vanderbilt was being investigated by Reagan's white house for defrauding the government on oil pricing.
(look it up. there is no "theory" this is all fact as was mentioned in the newspapers of the day - search Google news with old newspaper dates between 1980-1983))
Reagan never acted the same after the assassination attempt.
(Surgery and anesthesia and blood loss affect older people greatly and often affects their mind)
G H W Bush's policies became the Policies of Reagan after Reagan was almost killed.
I'll leave it to your speculation whether or not you think Reagan thought about it when making decisions knowing a supporter of his vice president with ties to his Vice President had almost killed him - how would you act? Especially if you knew that VP's dad had been working with the enemies of the united states during world war 2 and had been censored by the US Senate for it and everyone knew they were members of a secretive group with symbolism similar to Nazi death head symbols.
If you had grown up a midwest farm boy and actor how would that knowledge affect your later Presidential policy decisions?
I agree with you that all money needs to be taken out of politics. The people lose so much when money influences politics. Good people may not be able to raise the money to be competitive; it militates against the concept of one vote, one man. Thus, it makes democracy a farce because poor people feel that their voices are not being heard. A democracy ought to be representative of all voices.
I am outraged. This is a prime example of our sovereignty being destroyed and our freedoms usurped by foreign and multi-national corporations with the blessings of the US government. This type of law should NEVER be allowed. We have every right to know where our food is coming from and what is in it. Now more than ever I will only buy local and preferably organic produce. Farmers markets here I come. If you must buy packaged or foreign food ask and demand from the grocer where the food is coming from.
Many times have we seen 5 to 4 decisions on SC cases, mostly reflecting politics rather than the Constitution. Big money continues to pour in to the Mit Romney coffers and the Republican party, much more than is going to the Democrats. We will see far more lies and half truths from the Reps than from the Dems. The only way I know to put a stop to this propaganda is to immediately switch TV channels, to public TV for example, whenever a political or attack ad comes on. The people who monitor what we watch will get the message that no one is watching the ads. So why pay out all of that money. Muting is not the answer, switching is. Debates should be the defining factor in how people vote. We need a huge turn out at the polls to vote AGAINST Republicans. Think about what will happen if Republicans gain complete control as they did in 2010 in WI. The impact on the Supreme Court will be staggering, more weighted to bashing the average American while favoring the billionaires, maybe lasting for 30 more years. I can see poverty increasing, the 1% gaining more and the 99% losing more. Maybe, our government will cease to exist. Think about the revolutions that have gone on elsewhere because of lack of respect to the feelings of the vast majority.
Great summary.
Don't forget however that the son ( John Hinkley Jr.) of G H W Bush's strongest Texas political backer almost killed Reagan which would have made G H W Bush President in 1981.
John's Dad John Hinckly Senior was president of Vanderbilt Oil which was partners with the Bush's and Vanderbilt was being investigated by Reagan's white house for defrauding the government on oil pricing.
(look it up. there is no "theory" this is all fact as was mentioned in the newspapers of the day - search Google news with old newspaper dates between 1980-1983))
Reagan never acted the same after the assassination attempt.
(Surgery and anesthesia and blood loss affect older people greatly and often affects their mind)
G H W Bush's policies became the Policies of Reagan after Reagan was almost killed.
I'll leave it to your speculation whether or not you think Reagan thought about it when making decisions knowing a supporter of his vice president with ties to his Vice President had almost killed him - how would you act? Especially if you knew that VP's dad had been working with the enemies of the united states during world war 2 and had been censored by the US Senate for it and everyone knew they were members of a secretive group with symbolism similar to Nazi death head symbols.
If you had grown up a midwest farm boy and actor how would that knowledge affect your later Presidential policy decisions?