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  • Reply to: Reagan's Top Economist Says GOP Misled the U.S. and Tanked the Economy   12 years 7 months ago

    Just because Reagan had his share (and more) of bad policies, bad decisions, and generally bad government, does not make these findings ANY less valid.

    This is the kind of 'logic' that the politicos would like you to fall for, that when we're led down a bad Economic/Social path, and then someone comes along and tries to lead us down an equally bad or WORSE direction, that because it's 'different' automatically makes it 'better'.

    It doesn't.

    We've not had responsible government in three decades. For thirty years, we've had corporate plutocrats in bed with government stooges, all conspiring (yes, CONSPIRING!) to defraud the public and take over what is not rightfully theirs.

    Our present government (and present candidates) aren't interested in fixing any of this, they only want to redress just enough to get us to shut up about the royal shafting we've been getting, and will continue to get.

    So... come election day, exercise your RIGHT to choose.. and if that means choosing someone else other than the delegated figurehead... write it in.

    I recommend gary Johnson, but, that's me. Your mileage may vary.

  • Reply to: Reagan's Top Economist Says GOP Misled the U.S. and Tanked the Economy   12 years 7 months ago

    The problem is that Reagan probably knew that most of what he said was nonsense and was useful only as a means to get yourself elected to some office. Whatever effectiveness Reagan had, resulted from the opposite of his stated views. The accolates drank the coolaid and now believe that this is away to run a government with disaterous results. We are being Groverized in the name of the Gospel according to Ronny.

  • Reply to: Reagan's Top Economist Says GOP Misled the U.S. and Tanked the Economy   12 years 7 months ago

    What the Republicans want is the complete destruction/subjugation of the non-rich to give everything to the rich (wealth, power, rights, etc). If there is an option that helps the non-rich, the Republicans will automatically oppose it, and Mitt Romney is no different. Mitt Romeny via his influence with Bain Capitol single handedly liquidated/looted/destroyed many buisnesses, and directly caused millions in unemployment both by direct job loss, and the ripple effect through the job markets. I made a video about unemployment, and how we can fix it. It’s at my YouTube channel Zarrakan, and here’s the link:

    Watch it, share it, and join the fight against those who want to kill all of us with destructive social policies.

  • Reply to: Reagan's Top Economist Says GOP Misled the U.S. and Tanked the Economy   12 years 7 months ago

    What the Republicans want is the complete destruction/subjugation of the non-rich to give everything to the rich (wealth, power, rights, etc). If there is an option that helps the non-rich, the Republicans will automatically oppose it, and Mitt Romney is no different. Mitt Romeny via his influence with Bain Capitol single handedly liquidated/looted/destroyed many buisnesses, and directly caused millions in unemployment both by direct job loss, and the ripple effect through the job markets. I made a video about unemployment, and how we can fix it. It’s at my YouTube channel Zarrakan, and here’s the link:

    Watch it, share it, and join the fight against those who want to kill all of us with destructive social policies.

  • Reply to: Partisan Motivation Behind Voter ID Laid Bare   12 years 7 months ago
    I hate to be a spoil sport but the stage is being set for history to repeat itself this fall. Unless by some miracle someone surfaces a states rights arguing point that gives the Justice Department the right to supervise elections within states on the basis that they have replicated a poll tax (which is prohibited by the Constitution and not reserved to the states to make a decision on). Maybe trot out the newly fashionable tax-or-penalty argument? A "voter penalty?"
