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  • Reply to: WTO Not So COOL: Rules Against Popular U.S. Meat Labeling Law   12 years 7 months ago
    I am extremely sensitive to food additives. Starting about five years ago, I found that eating Asian shrimp put me out of comission for days. Now I will be forced to forego any seafood that has Asia as one of its possible sources.
  • Reply to: Reagan's Top Economist Says GOP Misled the U.S. and Tanked the Economy   12 years 7 months ago

    He came in peacably, it started with 666.
    When Ronald(6) Wilson(6) Reagan(6) came to power, the dark forces kicked the door in and the party of greed and materialism prevailed.
    The first thing to go was the solar panels were ripped off the White House that Carter put up there to symbolically represent our push to wean from our addiction to toxic fossil fuels, and quit being vulnerable to the less than dependable, even belligerent, countries that supplied us with that poisonous source of fuels. Germany recently supplied half of its domestic national energy needs through the use of solar. What if Reagan instead created a Manhattan Project style push to assemble the finest minds to perfect existing clean green technologies (especially concentrating on battery storage), while searching for alternative renewable non-polluting sources. Instead of the tens and cumulative hundreds of $billions given in oil company subsidies, what if that money went to creating a grid friendly to a national solar push, using incentives for homeowners to put panels on their roof, like in Germany? That would mean jobs and creating whole new industries from the ground up.
    But I digress.

  • Reply to: U.S. Supreme Court Deals Blow to Unions, Shows Preference for Corporate "Rights"   12 years 7 months ago
    I too hate all this money buying our elections thats why I wont donate to Obama. I told him flat out that I wont play this game he and Mitt are playing trying to see who can rake in the most money. I told him I'll vote for him again only because hes the lessor of two evils and I know how despertley need a Democrat to appoint the next Supreme Court judge and maybe even 2 if were lucky. all my donations go the the smaller elections so if Obama should lose atleast we might be able to keep control of the Senate and hopefully get rid of the teabaggers who got in in the house in 2010,atleast without a majority in either of them we cant get spanked too bad. It is obscene the money being raised when our infra structure is crumbling and people that once were in the Middle Class are now depending on food stamps. Can you imagine how we look to the rest of the world, I'm ashamed of what we've become~
  • Reply to: Reagan's Top Economist Says GOP Misled the U.S. and Tanked the Economy   12 years 7 months ago

    If you read the article you would know that he felt the problem began with Nixon and continued through the Reagan, Bush, and Bush redux administrations.

  • Reply to: Reagan's Top Economist Says GOP Misled the U.S. and Tanked the Economy   12 years 7 months ago

    In Carl Rove's own words. "As people do better, they start voting like Republicans -- unless they have too much education and vote Democratic, which proves there can be too much of a good thing".

    Look up the quote, he made this statement in an interview with New Yorker Magazine. You should read the article. Google quotes regarding education and republicans for just this year alone. That should make for some interesting reading. Then ask yourself, why and for what purpose would they want people less educated, starting with Kindergartener up to advanced education. History can answer that question for you.
