Show me your stats. How many were criminals vs those with carry permits? How many of these were from a situation where the person had no choice? Anyone can state stats and statistics. Publish those stats and then we all can see what is what.
The original poster actually said "only landowners" only people with "jobs" have skin in the game... rigghhht! The top 20% of this country who have been benefiting from the trillions of dollars of taxpayer handouts for the past two decades... the "job creators" and all their minions... should be the ones voting. Oh wait! They don't have to vote! To them it doesn't really matter... they just buy whatever politician they need to get their agenda across... all this voting nonsense is just fluff. A distraction.
And I am really tired of the "Founding Fathers" chatter.... racist, misogynistic, narrow minded, corporate rich folks. The first colonists in this country were not here for religious reasons, they came for profit. The came here as corporate shareholders - The Virginia Company of London, 1607.
Guess what? We can do better than our forefathers. We are smarter, and we do not need to be held back by arcane and outdated principles. People who support the exclusion of our citizens from the right to vote are no different that the religious zealots that want to return the world to the social rules 6th century. They should grow up.
I see you folks have done yr homework. Yes, America's long decline which is still on-going, started because of the short-sighted policies of the Reagan presidency. Giving away everything that maintains a thriving, democratic economy is no way to run a country. But that is precisely what Reagan did. I wrote a book on this subject, It's the Jobs, Stupid. Available from Amazon. Also please join us on twitter@itsthejobsstupi (No "d")where we discuss ways to re-energize our economy.
So in your universe, renters shouldn't be allowed to vote -- even voters with lots of money, who simply choose not to have the hassles of home ownership. Oh wait, you corrected yourself. You said "people who work for a living." And how will we define that? Retired people don't WORK for a living. Mitt Romney doesn't WORK for a living. In other words, the only people you want to be able to vote are those who are JUST LIKE YOU. Grow up.
I see you folks have done yr homework. Yes, America's long decline which is still on-going, started because of the short-sighted policies of the Reagan presidency. Giving away everything that maintains a thriving, democratic economy is no way to run a country. But that is precisely what Reagan did. I wrote a book on this subject, It's the Jobs, Stupid. Available from Amazon. Also please join us on twitter@itsthejobsstupi (No "d")where we discuss ways to re-energize our economy.
Its the only word you can come up with to some up what they are and what they have become...EVIL!