Look up the stats yourself if you don't believe it. Find the states that have passed these idiotic laws & check their murder & violent crime rates before & after the law. In my state shortly after a similar law was passed a boy was murdered because after a man called police to report an underage drinking party next door, one boy ran to his house & crawled up under his porch (outside the house) to hide from the cops. The man killed the boy & no charges were filed. What the F88K has happened to being a normal teenager & not getting murdered for it?Trayvon Martin was unarmed & 17 yrs old. He confronted a wannabe cop who was stalking him on a dark street, just as I would have done, to find out why he was being stalked. Zimmerman was an idiot but he was armed so he ignored what police told him & continued following Martin. He should have had his ass kicked & Trayvon was in the right for knocking him on his ass. Now if YOU cause a confrontation & get knocked on your ass you can simply murder the person who beats you up. This is not how a civilized society acts & this is not the wild wild west. If you aren't man enough to fight after you start a fight, don't stalk people, don't let a handgun give you false manhood & bravery. You're a man or your NOT & the gun doesn't change you from pussy to man, it changes you from man to murderer. We have always had laws that allow you to shoot someone who breaks into your home or self-defense laws to save your life. Now carrying a gun into the street has added a whole new dimension & there are far too many unstable people who have no business being granted the right to kill outside of their home & like Zimmerman they go out & look for trouble, start the trouble, then commit murder. Keep your guns in the home or in the woods, you're not John Wayne & this isn't the old west anymore.
If you aren't Legal a Union is not going to help you. It doesn't matter what the tell you - it is always easier to make promises. There are always two sides to every story. Thing aren't perfect but a Union isn't the answer - there are many laws to protect employees and unions have helped over the decades to get these in place which is good. It seems odd the unionization activity has started at the first threat of immigration coming in to investigate. Why not before - Palermos' have been around along time - hard to believe all of this just started recently....
One would think there would be pride in ownership for countries selling in the world market. If there is not, it makes one wonder what the WTO believes is being dumped on consumers!
Another good reason to buy locally and to personally know the source of your food, regardless of what country you live in. This is, however, especially true in the USA where our government is controlled by food industry money. In the US, just about anything is sold and without adequate labeling. US citizens believe they are "safer than consumers in foreign countries," because "somebody" (they assume the government) is watching out for their best interests. That is the line feed to them through their controlled free media and which permeates their society. The reality is that if "their best interests" are not profitable they are ignored.
Protect yourselves and buy local, eat conservatively, and always critically analyze what the media reports as news. Often it is simply a release by a corporation seeking profit. The US is king of subliminal persuasion and the sheeple who buy into it are getting fat and sick.
In a world guided by morals, rather than money, it would be logical to identify the source of all products. However money now runs everything. The WTO decision is designed to ensure that the big corporations can do what they like, including putting the family farm out of business. The WTO is run by the big multi-nationals, so they are "required" to do what helps get rid of the small producers.
Shrimp contains an as yet unidentified allergen that has been precisely mapped to inflame the lymph nodes. The Cure and Prevention of All Cancers. 2007. Clark HR PhD ND. Dr Clarks works since 1995 are based on over half a million repeatable so scientifically VALID bio-resonance tests.
Many feel quite ill after eating shrimp, maybe some are more sensitive to this allergen. Maybe its higher in Asian shrimp. I live in Thailand. We had shrimp last night, 3 pieces each, no reactions.