Suzie314, no disrespect her but you are way off with your numbers on gun owners. Just Google it, and not just from on source and you'll have a much better understanding of the true numbers. All of that aside I am a strong advocate for our Constitution, the Bill of Rights and of coarse The Declaration of Independence, which by the way was indoctrinated by man with full acknowledgment of God as our creator. As for being a coward or nation of cowards, well you don't have to own a gun to be brave and honorable. However the very rights that you enjoy today, at least the ones that we still have would not even be possible for you or anyone else if it were not for our 2nd amendment right to bear arms. And if you feel safe with out a firearm it does not mean you you are a coward but I ask you have you ever been robbed at gunpoint for 12 dollars,have you ever been a bystander when someone innocent was killed by a drive by shooter over drugs,have you ever been in a situation where some lunatic was killing people at a shopping mall and just happen to be one of the lucky ones,do you have any idea how desperate people are getting these days because of what our government and corporate greed has done to our economy. Even an honorable man or woman will do unbelievable things in the face of oppression and starvation to preserve their lives and the lives of their families.Our forefathers were very smart and courageous men and women and they had the wisdom and insight to see that the right to bear arms and to form a militia was paramount and absolutely necessary to keep government within its bounds when it comes to the confiscation of our God given inalienable rights. It is my wish that you may never have to endure any of the aforementioned events in your life but you must look at history closely to see that it repeats itself. I apologize if I have offended you by this reply to your post but you are quite naive if that is the way you truly perceive gun owners. And by the way about 90% of Americans own guns not because they are scared to death but instead because the believe in our heritage. You might also consider getting all of the facts about the killing of Trayvon Martin because unfortunately you are misinformed in that case too.
I absolutely agree that big business and corporation executives being allowed to assemble and write bills that are invasive to the working people of this country should be looked upon as corrosive to our democratic process, especially if these business and corporation owners and or their lobbyist constituents are allowed to not only help write these bills but to also have an equal vote to the elected officials that have been put in place by the voting people in any given district to represent the wishes of those voting people. I will echo the statement that It does not state ... We the Corporations of the United states,
It says... We The PEOPLE. In fact it speaks volumes about how our government has surely gone astray. and yes I do agree that the politicians in power should not have their own Cadillac hwealth care program nor should these people be allowed to serve in any political capacity for life. It should be considered an honor to serve your country if you are qualified to do so but term limits are a must to preserve the integrity of the offices held,Yes there must always be new blood so to speak with new ideas and genuine desires to serve We The People.Study your history and you will see the ultimate ramifications of these kinds of actions by big government. As it was well put by The historian and moralist, who was otherwise known simply as Lord Acton, expressed his opinion in a letter to Bishop Mandell Creighton in 1887:
"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men."
I am sure that there are still a few good elected leaders but the good old boy society still exists so lets boot them all out and start fresh. Only then can we begin to clean up the mess that our great nation is in and take it back. So that as the great President Lincoln so eloquently put it int the Gettysburg address,that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
What a crock to listen to Bice ànd Zweifel talk about the "traditions of objective reporting". This site is guilty of the exact same bias that it purports to report on. Give me a break. We all have a point of view. The problem is when reporters insist that they are actually capable of "objective" reporting. Admit your bias and then make you case. This is all the Franklin Center has done and represents a more honest approach to reporting than I see here. You should do the same.
Other than the holes in your "conservatives & college" theory, excellent job on summarizing the facts. Facts that I feel certain would make for an evermore excellent read, if coupled with the compelling commentary made by an anonymous poster. "Don't forget however that the son ( John Hinkley Jr.) of G H W Bush's strongest Texas political backer almost killed Reagan which would have made G H W Bush President in 1981.
John's Dad John Hinckly Senior was president of Vanderbilt Oil which was partners with the Bush's and Vanderbilt was being investigated by Reagan's white house for defrauding the government on oil pricing.
(look it up. there is no "theory" this is all fact as was mentioned in the newspapers of the day - search Google news with old newspaper dates between 1980-1983))
Reagan never acted the same after the assassination attempt.
(Surgery and anesthesia and blood loss affect older people greatly and often affects their mind)
G H W Bush's policies became the Policies of Reagan after Reagan was almost killed.
I'll leave it to your speculation whether or not you think Reagan thought about it when making decisions knowing a supporter of his vice president with ties to his Vice President had almost killed him - how would you act? Especially if you knew that VP's dad had been working with the enemies of the united states during world war 2 and had been censored by the US Senate for it and everyone knew they were members of a secretive group with symbolism similar to Nazi death head symbols.
If you had grown up a midwest farm boy and actor how would that knowledge affect your later Presidential policy decisions?"
FMP, if he didn't say it, it wasn't said. However, it would be an incredible leap in consciousness to come to the realization that the republican/democrat facade, is just that, a facade! One needs to look not only closer at real time events, but also at the bigger scheme of what history has produced and the corresponding effects or side effects that follow... Be them under the guise of republican or democrat, the results don't lie. As long as people are cognitively dissonant enough to be divided by artificial parties, perhaps they deserve the circumstances they find themselves in. Perhaps...
Other than the holes in your "conservatives & college" theory, excellent job on summarizing the facts. Facts that I feel certain would make for an evermore excellent read, if coupled with the compelling commentary made by an anonymous poster. "Don't forget however that the son ( John Hinkley Jr.) of G H W Bush's strongest Texas political backer almost killed Reagan which would have made G H W Bush President in 1981.
John's Dad John Hinckly Senior was president of Vanderbilt Oil which was partners with the Bush's and Vanderbilt was being investigated by Reagan's white house for defrauding the government on oil pricing.
(look it up. there is no "theory" this is all fact as was mentioned in the newspapers of the day - search Google news with old newspaper dates between 1980-1983))
Reagan never acted the same after the assassination attempt.
(Surgery and anesthesia and blood loss affect older people greatly and often affects their mind)
G H W Bush's policies became the Policies of Reagan after Reagan was almost killed.
I'll leave it to your speculation whether or not you think Reagan thought about it when making decisions knowing a supporter of his vice president with ties to his Vice President had almost killed him - how would you act? Especially if you knew that VP's dad had been working with the enemies of the united states during world war 2 and had been censored by the US Senate for it and everyone knew they were members of a secretive group with symbolism similar to Nazi death head symbols.
If you had grown up a midwest farm boy and actor how would that knowledge affect your later Presidential policy decisions?"
FMP, if he didn't say it, it wasn't said. However, it would be an incredible leap in consciousness to come to the realization that the republican/democrat facade, is just that, a facade! One needs to look not only closer at real time events, but also at the bigger scheme of what history has produced and the corresponding effects or side effects that follow... Be them under the guise of republican or democrat, the results don't lie. As long as people are cognitively dissonant enough to be divided by artificial parties, perhaps they deserve the circumstances they find themselves in. Perhaps...