I'm no friend of tobacco companies and have no illusions of why they want to legalize snus, but it isn't a crazy argument on par of climate change denialism, suicide seeds or assault rifles for everyone.
In Scandinavia, snus have long co-existed with smoking tobacco (almost exclusively cigarettes these days). The last couple of decades, large portions of the smokers have changed from cigarettes to snus because of ban on smoking inside in public, as well as for health reasons.
Now, snus contains at least as much nicotine and is no less addictive. But while it is undeniably unhealthy, it is far, far less damaging than inhaling tobacco smoke into the lungs. Many doctors see it as the lesser of the evils; much rather having patients doing snus, than possible not being able to stop smoking. Stopping smoking is very difficult, switching to snus relatively easy. Although snus is undeniably unhealthy, the evidence it causes mouth and throat cancer turned out to be so weak the warning had to be removed from the packaging. Cigarettes are of course linked to greately increased cancer rick and a variety of diseases with incredibly strong evidence.
In addition, there is no such thing as second hand snus - it's only consumed by the actual consumer. Nicotine addiction is very real, and changing from cigarettes to snus entails great statistical health benefits for the user, as well as for anyone in proximity. Not as good as quitting, but better than half way.
So while there is no reason to trust tobacco companies, and no rush to introduce new tobacco products without a proper think, it's irrational to discard snus out of hand, just because the messenger here is unsympathetic and acting out of greedy self interest.
This is a fantastic and disturbingly funny video (distubing because it is so true -- funny because Mark tells the truth about ALEX so-o-o painfully well!). Keep up the good work, Mark. It helps the rest of us renew our commitment to fight these crooked jerks!!! Thank you.
Kudos to Mark Fiore. Excellent portrayal of ALEC and it's control of crooked politicians. This cartoon should be required viewing on all PBS kids programs.