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  • Reply to: Sheldon Adelson, GOP Mega-Donor, Investigated for Bribing Chinese Government Officials   12 years 6 months ago
    These people are operating in clear light. They are not hiding what they do. They need to be stopped.
  • Reply to: It's Bucky v. Adidas: Indonesia Labor Rights Violations Head to Court in Wisconsin   12 years 6 months ago
    If I put this ad in the Brabants Dagblad a well known news paperI think Nike Adidas and others involved,just might look at more of these practices.
  • Reply to: Protestors Greet ALEC as 39th Annual Meeting Gets Underway in Utah Today   12 years 6 months ago
    Salt Lake City. Mormon Republican Presidential Candidate. Coincidence?
  • Reply to: "Tobacco Can Cure Smoking" and other Highlights of ALEC's Annual Meeting in Salt Lake   12 years 6 months ago
    While snus might indeed be 'less harmful' than smoking, research shows that snus contains carcinogens and other additives harmful to the human body. There is no reason to trust the racketeering tobacco companies, and they will continue to manipulate their products to hook and keep users addicted. They think only about profit, and not about health consequences of their deadly, addictive products. Rodu is a pawn of the tobacco industry who is unsympathetic and acting out of greedy self interest. He has no conscious!! The challenge for elected leaders today is to fight tobacco use with the political will and resources that match the scope of the problem. All levels of government must do more: At the federal level, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) must effectively exercise its new authority to regulate the manufacturing, marketing and sale of tobacco products. In addition, the Administration and Congress must consider implementation of a national tobacco prevention and cessation campaign. Policy interventions must also include consideration of a national clean indoor air act, mandating comprehensive workplace protection from secondhand smoke. The Prevention and Public Health Fund created as part of the health care reform law provides an excellent opportunity to do these. The regulation of tobacco products is an important and critical component of an overall comprehensive tobacco prevention and control strategy that will not replace, but will strengthen, existing tobacco control efforts. In order to reduce tobacco use prevalence among individuals of low income and low educational attainment, increased funding must be directed to programs to prevent youth tobacco initiation and increase cessation help for current users, especially those who are highly addicted to nicotine and for the many special populations having high tobacco use rates. Toll-free telephone quit lines are effective, yet few addicted tobacco users and clinicians are aware of them; and they require greater marketing and support. State policy-makers must look to adequately fund tobacco prevention and cessation programs by increasing tobacco taxes and/or by setting aside other state funds. Doing so will save money and lives, and it won’t take that many years to accomplish. In addition, local boards of health (or the Legislature) must continue to enact comprehensive smoke-free laws that apply to all workplaces and public places. Both prevention and political polls show that there is public support for earmarking a portion of tobacco taxes for tobacco-control programs targeted to young people, but politicians must be aware of that support or they will continue using the funds for other purposes. Politicos Need ToRemember: Smoking and other tobacco use continues to be the single most preventable cause of premature death and unnecessary health care expenses that cost our economy billions of dollars per year. Prevention programs work and garner a solid return on investment.
  • Reply to: "Tobacco Can Cure Smoking" and other Highlights of ALEC's Annual Meeting in Salt Lake   12 years 6 months ago
    This was an excellent post!! You are so correct that there is no reason to trust the racketeering tobacco companies, and there's no rush to introduce new tobacco products without a proper think, and that it's irrational to discard snus out of hand, just because the messenger (Rodu) here is unsympathetic and acting out of greedy self interest. Rodu has no conscious!!
