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  • Reply to: New Report Shows ALEC's "Unprecedented Influence Over Florida"   12 years 6 months ago
    Lets see, tax fraud, illegal lobbying and reckless endangerment; to name a few.
  • Reply to: White House, HCAN, Ignore the Single Payer Option   12 years 6 months ago
    The only "grass" in their (HCAN's)roots is the stuff they (and you) appear to be smoking! At best, they are "AstroTurf"! When you have ex-Chiefs Of Staff and husbands of the largest bundlers in the Dems history as the leaders of an organization, it's not grass roots! HCAN stands for giving PRIVATE insurers like Aetna, WellPoint, UnitedHealthScare, etc. FEDERAL and STATE monies to provide health care, as Bush already started with MediScare disAdvantage plans. MCaid is next, then other government-sponsored plans like Federal Workers and TriCare for vets. Zeke Emmanuel (Rahm's brother) says so in his August 1, 2012 article in NEJM. Google it. Your tax dollars are gonna go to "fat cat insurance companies", making them even fatter cats. Costs will soar; Medicare has estimated 3-6% overhead, while United has 32% overhead, much of which goes to profit and CEO salaries. And just guess (no, go to SourceWatch or OpenSecrets and find out) how much Big Insurance donates to political campaigns in the US (answer:lots)!
  • Reply to: Three California Democrats Team Up with Monsanto   12 years 6 months ago
    Bought and paid for buy yours truly big biotech chemical companies, which is who I want in charge of the food supply...NOT, dam people wake up only common sense tells you they are covering up this discusting chemicals they call food. By having to label this holds them accountable and gives people the choice to eat or not eat this so called food. No testing required no labeling required dosent it make you wonder why a country like ours has some of the most unhealthiest people in the world with all this on the rise like never before, Autisum, dieabites, cancers, heart disiease and people allergic to everything? Come on 2 and 2 still equal 4 and this is how our government is being bought and sold by big Ag, Pharma, Oil, Chemicals etc. watch "War on Health" if your still in the dark.
  • Reply to: Emails from ALEC Member Russell Pearce Show Anti-Immigrant Law May Have Been Racially Motivated   12 years 6 months ago
    In regard to the Fiona Makenzie post regarding racist politicians in Arizona and thier link to private contracted prisons in Northern Arizona one must also look to other populations in those prisons. It was explained to me in a University classroom that Arizona has the second highest rate of mentally ill populations in thier prisons among other states. The state could treat, feed and house this same population for one third less, outside prison walls, but refuses to do so. The state does scream they have no funds for Medicare. Hmm? The state of Arizona would rather pay the private prisons in excess and you have to ask yourself why? Remember when our troops had shoddy kevlar vest equipment and Blackwater/Xe/whatever thier name is now had the best protection? ALEC has been accused, in the least, of being a bill mill (rubbish like Stand your Ground) and at worst a dating service between politicians and big business/corporations. Where does this leave Arizona? This is a story that should be followed because mandated prison percentage populations by private contractors is frightening in Arizona. Who really owns those prisons? Who builds those prisons? Who really gets the big profits from these Arizona incarceration mills? Why is Arizona looking more like Southern Utah everyday? Visit some Northern Arizona towns yourself, especially the towns that have thier own police forces, Talibaneque, if you ask me. Why are we fighting in the Middle East for womens and childrens rights when it is plain to see during a drive by that the troops are needed throughout Arizona. Why did the Maricopa sheriff leave hundreds of child sexual and physical abuse cases linger and rot, when they intentionally looked the other way. What happened at Penn State has nothing on what happened in Phoenix regarding child sexual abuse cases and the refusal to investigate. The only thing that surprises me about ALEC is they have not made thier headquarters somewhere in Arizona, as yet but I am sure there is wining and dining to be performed.
  • Reply to: Mark Fiore on How a Bill Becomes a Law -- ALEC-Style   12 years 6 months ago
    Dwight D. Eisenhower, a Republic, addressed the people of the USA to warn against the great threat to democracy in the nation. He stated, boldly and unequivocably, that big corporations and the military-industrial complex wold wreck havoc with individual freedoms. With the sceptre of the Evil Empire of Communism appearing in the nightmares of US Sen. Joe McCarthy (R-WI) and congressional representative Richard Milhouse Nixon (R-CA), the stage was set to begin to chisel at the foundations of democracy and ignite a fire to burn the US Constitution. The hysteria was generated by the father of Charles and Edward Koch: the two biggest polluters of air and water (Koch Industries) in the world. By waving verbal swords at imaginary foes, the Koch Brothers capitalized on a hidden agenda to have everyone submit to the rule of the few, the vocal, the mentally unbalanced who controlled public offices and grants. ALEC is but one of the stepchildren. What needs to be done is to get the parents of ALEC: US Chamber of Commerce and other monsterous entities betraying the USA and the American Dream.
