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  • Reply to: VP Role for Paul Ryan Has His Former Parish Priest Worried   12 years 6 months ago
    I have seen and heard many instances of Paul Ryan talking about how much he admires Ayn Rand. To claim now that he never liked her, you're being disingenuous.
  • Reply to: VP Role for Paul Ryan Has His Former Parish Priest Worried   12 years 6 months ago
    It's interesting how many people want no part of Ryan and his proposed budget. Now I understand the one issue voters who see his anti abortion stance and get happy but his proposed budget goes beyond anything preached in any church, I've heard of. By Ryan's logic, the Good Samaritan was a sucker and should have left the man on the side of the road because then he would have found the strength to lift himself from the dirt.
  • Reply to: VP Role for Paul Ryan Has His Former Parish Priest Worried   12 years 6 months ago
    I do not understand how you can call Ryan "pro-life" except he is concerned about the fetus from conception to birth and then to hell with it. Do you not get that he is going to gut ALL social services and this means your food stamps, your Medicaid and whatever else you receive? This man is a satanic troll doing the bidding of the Uber rich Kochs and others. He will rip the old folks off Medicare as quick as you can blink. He cares nothing for born children, adults and old people. The nation is in the throes of economic hardship thanks to BushII and his unpaid for wars, which Ryan supported. What will it take for Pro-lifers such as yourself to see who Ryan really is, a shill for the wealthy and them only. Will people die in the streets from starvation and homelessness before you get how un "pro-life" this monster is? A credit to Wisconsin? Wrong, he is a shame and an "Immoral Disaster" to Wisconsin. Wake up and smell the coffee!
  • Reply to: VP Role for Paul Ryan Has His Former Parish Priest Worried   12 years 6 months ago
    Ad a Brit (which makes me European) and a Catholic (of Polish stock) I and most Europeans find these arguments put forward by Ryan utterly ridiculous. Firstly the state and The Church should always seek to protect the poorest and most vunarable in society something I to believe the Nuns which taught me would back fully. To cut welfare payments and even the low level of health care available is tantamount to leaving people to die in the streets and not something that even the most Conservative of governments would even consider over here. Secondly why does Religion have to come into the argument when it is based on fiscal policy? It seems ludicrousthat you should or would make any mention of Religion in such a stance. I see also that there is alot of argument on the pro-life issue my simple question So What? Every country has an abortion law including those most Catholic of countries such as France and Italy. This should not be seen as a justifiable reason for voting for a candidate that wishes to push the poor aside and conravene the most basic teachings of The Church he proclaims so loudly to follow
  • Reply to: U.S.-Funded War in El Salvador Casts Shadow over Romney/Ryan Campaign   12 years 6 months ago
    and took care of his immediate and extended families and his business and political cronies, so who really cares about those people south of the border? They don't value life like we do anyway. It's about time we're learning who the real Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney are. And laughably, the Republican teaparty wants you to wonder what Barack "The Other" Obama is hiding.
