catholic universal churches need to start paying taxes for their voice on subjects that matter to women, children, minorities (now the white are the minority I believe if truth be told) free speech, not hate speech would be a nice value to reach for the stars, and let's just not keep the secrets how much lawyers have cost your parishioners of all faiths to keep those secrets to save face. Cover ups make societies sick, and dictators are not in this White House, and no Columbus didn't discover, he was lost and needed to ask directions from the Natives of this land. And one more think on my mind "Custer died for our THIEVERY and their SELF defense, or stand their (red Man) land. Debbie Harris Fulton Member of Anti WAR, EQUAL RIGHTS, and HATE CRIMES need to be prosecuted, Womens equality and womens choices for their HEALTH CARE. AMEN and amen...
.... and somebody with the Center for Media and Democracy ought to forward this article to NACLA. I'd imagine the editors of NACLA Report on the Americas will be interested in assigning a writer to cover this. And rightly so.
So tell me. I honestly don't get it. If we need more money, why do we keep giving tax cuts to the wealthiest among us. I have yet to see the trickle down thing work. The job makers just aren't doing their part.
Ok, Paul Ryan’s former priest says that the VP-candidate’s budget plans are not in line with Catholic teachings. Well, how about Obama/Biden's plans for Planned Parenthood, Abortion and forced contraception on catholic hospitals and managed care plans?
How to reconcile?