Recent comments

  • Reply to: WI Ethics Board Should Bar ALEC Corporate Gifts   12 years 5 months ago
    Absolutely correct. The degree to which ALEC bribes--we might as well call it what it is--officials and nobody complains is just unbelievable if looked at in light of rational ethics. I would like Wisconsin (my home state) to lead in the rejection of their elected officials taking bribes. It shouldn't be impossible. In Washington, a lobbyist can get in trouble if he buys too expensive a wine with dinner for a representative. ALEC is nothing but lobbyists, constructing the laws they are lobbying for the reps and handing them over in a pleasant environment that lulls integrity to sleep.
  • Reply to: Eye Opener: Turkish Charter Schools Sweep Across America Funded By Walmart Family   12 years 5 months ago
    Public funding for private schools in one subject, and an issue that this country needs to closely examine. A good place to start researching would be the highly-indebted poor countries bullied into structural readjustment since the 1980s. But that's not the focus of my comment. My primary concern here is the aggressive and distasteful tone used in this article. Dare I say racist, but that's what it feels like to me. "The Gülen Movement is a secretive and controversial Turkish group..." I recommend the author and readers do additional research to investigate the history, people, and actions of the The Gülen Movement before making any judgements. If you want a local example of the work the Gülen Movement movement is promoting, you don't have to look any further than the 2012 Peace and Dialogue Awards held at the Edgewater Hotel this past May. Police Chief Noble Wray and long-time Madison media personality Jean Feraca were two of those given awards for their public service to our community. I could go on, but I'll let readers find out the truth for themselves. In a nutshell, The Gülen Movement is a large, but loose global network of localized, highly educated professionals, predominately of Turkish Muslim origin, who strive to live their faith and increase their spiritual connection through interfaith dialogue and service. The Gülen Movement's involvement with Walmart or the privatization of education in U.S. is one thing, but to use the word "secretive" amidst a Turkish flag image in the background is well below CMD standards. Playing on American ignorance and fear of Islam and Muslims is shameful and the kind of writing I would expect from a less than reputable news source.
  • Reply to: State Farm Insurance Claims "No Fault" in Bankrolling ALEC   12 years 5 months ago
    ALEC's materials list State Farm as a highest-level annual sponsor.
  • Reply to: Constituents Say Paul Ryan's Economy Isn't Working for Them   12 years 5 months ago
    The plant closed in December 2008...when Bush was in office.
  • Reply to: Scott Walker and Barack Obama Have the Same Campaign Slogan, Who is the Commie Pinko Now?   12 years 5 months ago
    Very well said!
