The phone calls we keep getting are actually from 202-394-3930, not an 800 number. We found a lot of information on that number from a website called The majority of people getting called are those who donated to a democratic candidate or to some progressive cause.
It is pertinent to this article because on page 2 of 27 you will find a 'jamess' who wrote a comment on 9 Jul, 2011 about this same phone number. As it happens, this is the very same 'jamess' who writes for the 'DAILY KOS'. Here is the link to his comment and the articles he refers to.
Note that in his second article he writes about 'The 'Team Themis' Plan' which appears to be in full operation right now by the (purportedly and we believe) bought U.S. Chamber of Commerce. We have all seen their recent commercials.
A very telling bit of information from the 'DAILY KOS' and their Chamber of Commerce stories is this gem.
"Corporate Information Reconnaissance Cell
[ Slide Presentation ]
Team Themis
Purpose: Develop a corporate information reconnaissance service to aid legal investigations through the open source collection of information on target groups and individuals that appear organized to extort specific concessions through online slander campaigns.
Solution: Develop collection solutions for information on individuals and groups of interest
-- Standardize and store information in common DB for structured analysis
-- Analyze digital artifacts and social links within common visual framework
-- Report correlated information in individual and organizational profiles
Needless to say that pretty much puts it all together for us and shows HOW they are doing what they do and it certainly helps to explain the phone calls and emails. It's so obviously 'E-Vile'.
To borrow from 'Marmion', a poem by Sir Walter Scott:
"Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive"
I believe the point of the quoted material is, Ryan credited that his budget is in line with his Catholic teachings, which is what the Catholic Bishops take issue with. What does that have to do with anyone or anything else?
It is most likely that the members of the Salvadorian right-wing paramilitaries were trained in the United States. There are numerous instances of U.S. supported governments (right wing in every documented case) in Latin America sending their soldiers to be trained at Fort Benning, GA, also known as the School of the Americas, and now WHINSEC (Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation). This facility used to be located in Panama, and was nicknamed "La escuela de asesinos", or the school of the assassins. Panama kicked the school out back in 1984 under the terms of the Panama Canal treaty. It was then relocated to Fort Benning. There is a massive vigil held at the gates there every year where human rights activists of all walks of life (priests, celebrities--Martin Sheen was there last year, students, etc) rally to shut it down. Check out this link for more history and general insight,