Take a look at the book "Boomerang" by Michael Lewis. Public sector pensions in the new recession age of low state income are bankrupting communities all over the country.
They are looking for guarantees and working conditions that private sector employees are rapidly becoming impatient with. Pay them more money (although Chicago teacher's are extremely well-paid, and most of them deserve it), and let them set up a 401K and figure it out themselves, like the rest of us.
My own school district superintendent is responsible for 4 schools and makes $300,000 plus pension. Most of his duties he is able to push down to willing administrators.
State politicians in Illinois have also been raiding the chicken coop, and with the rate of tax avoidance, reduced property taxes and tax-free corporations - there just isn't the money that used to be there, and saying you "deserve" it or it was "promised" to you doesn't manufacture the money out of thin air. Emmanuel isn't the problem.
The law is usually a blunt instrument, with a litle creative thinking you can usually show how much of an ass it is.
How about wearing the signs. You can reasoanably claim that they are part of your apparall.
This would quickly desend into farse as police arrest people for what they are wearing.
Are all T-shirts going to be banned.
How about the Green Bay Packers cap.....
At face value this article should appeal only to the most naive readers. Anyone who reads critically and questions the absurd categorical assumptions of the author will be amused at best. It is one of the most absurd articles I have read in years.
It it patently ridiculous of the author to paint criminal suspects as "victims of the system" when offered the chance to post bail. The entire point of bail is to attempt to coerce a defendant to comply with the rules of civil behavior and due process when, absent of that coercion, they would otherwise not.
Bail bondsmen are offering you a service for which you are not bound to accept. It's an at will contractual agreement. That's it. The only persons being coerced in this entire line of reason is naive readers who are evangelically cheer-leading ANY far-left fringe absurdity being spewed forth by paranoid nutbags like this author.
Get your Science here!!! Fresh, Pure, Nonsensical, What you need them to hear...Science!!
guaranteed imaginative!! Difficult to disprove, and easy to swallow by today's citizen on the go!!
Bring enough Opinion...Influence..I mean..Cash, and i'll spin a yarn out of whole cloth, that will make heads spin!
That is a Scientific Fact!!
Sincerely Yours,
I. B. Scammin, Scientist for Hire
Now that I have had my fun..I believe the ALEC has Corrupted more individuals Globaly with their Opinion of CASH, than anyother group in american history.
Here is an opinion...currency(cash), is Influence, not Opinion. The use of cash as opinion NEGATES and/or DISCRIMINATES the opinion of us, the citizen, our opinion of $12,500 a year is ignored.
People go to work to recieve a pay check, giving them currency, to influence others into giving them what they need to survive.
Imagine getting 3 Opinions of How Not to Eat Yellow Snow on pay day!
This problem of "Junk Science" is dirrectly connected "Money as Opinion", A lack of Equality in the media, and the ALEC!
P.S. The use of Cash to Influence the Opinion of a Scientist, is Immoral and extremly Suspect Behavior, it Bends the Truth. It helps hide the irresponsible and often Dangerouse behavior of todays Profit Barons.
Get your Science here!!! Fresh, Pure, Nonsensical, What you need them to hear...Science!!
guaranteed imaginative!! Difficult to disprove, and easy to swallow by today's citizen on the go!!
Bring enough Opinion...Influence..I mean..Cash, and i'll spin a yarn out of whole cloth, that will make heads spin!
That is a Scientific Fact!!
Sincerely Yours,
I. B. Scammin, Scientist for Hire
Now that I have had my fun..I believe the ALEC has Corrupted more individuals Globaly with their Opinion of CASH, than anyother group in american history.
Here is an opinion...currency(cash), is Influence, not Opinion. The use of cash as opinion NEGATES and/or DISCRIMINATES the opinion of us, the citizen, our opinion of $12,500 a year is ignored.
People go to work to recieve a pay check, giving them currency, to influence others into giving them what they need to survive.
Imagine getting 3 Opinions of How Not to Eat Yellow Snow on pay day!
This problem of "Junk Science" is dirrectly connected "Money as Opinion", A lack of Equality in the media, and the ALEC!
P.S. The use of Cash to Influence the Opinion of a Scientist, is Immoral and extremly Suspect Behavior, it Bends the Truth. It helps hide the irresponsible and often Dangerouse behavior of todays Profit Barons.