In this day of electronic communications how can one completely delete messages I would have to assume a copy of it exists SOMEWHERE... between the sender and the recipient. Perhaps on one of the carries servers, like TDS, Google, Yahoo, MSN or whoever is the server is.
"If the machine of government is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then, I say, break the law."
Henry David Thoreau
We have a daughter with a disability who lives in a group home. I never had an abortion. So Mr. Marshall - what was my sin? When this happens to parents, they beat themselves up enough thinking 'what did I do'...'was it something I did during pregnancy'...whatwhatwhat? You, Mr. Marshall have profoundly insulted all parents of children with disabilities. You. Mr. Marshall have two disabilities - mental and moral & are not fit to serve in government.
You must be carefully about who and what you vote for as leaders. Be extra carefully about the company you keep because they may be out to do you hurt. This crack down at the capital is a prime example. The Chinese government are notorious for this action because it limits the people power.
We have a daughter with a disability who lives in a group home. I never had an abortion. So Mr. Marshall - what was my sin? When this happens to parents, they beat themselves up enough thinking 'what did I do'...'was it something I did during pregnancy'...whatwhatwhat? You, Mr. Marshall have profoundly insulted all parents of children with disabilities. You. Mr. Marshall have two disabilities - mental and moral & are not fit to serve in government.