Hello friends. Pensions can work, we have the strongest public pension system in the U.S. right here in Wisconsin where CMD is based because we have made a lot of smart rules, such as paying out less to retirees in bad times. The problem is that the private sector does not have such a low cost and well-managed option and we progressives need to fight to create it. The financial crisis has proven the the 401 K system has failed even the basic test of what a pension system should be, we need new models that work for all -- this was the topic of a great New York Times piece this weekend called
"Should the 401(k) Be Reformed or Replaced?" by Stephen Greenhouse -- http://www.nytimes.com/2012/09/12/business/retirementspecial/should-the-401-k-be-reformed-or-replaced.html?_r=1&ref=stevengreenhouse
Unfortunately, the people of Wisconsin chose not to vote Scott Walker out of office when the opportunity presented itself. The current events are just a sampling of what you can expect and you have no one to blame but yourselves. I'm baffled by your indignation. Did you really expected things to be better?
None of these articles mention the fact that this front group has come after the school bus industry. In two states, Maryland and Nevada, they have attempted to legislate that all under-the-hood plastic parts be made with their toxic chemicals. First, the school bus manufacturers will not manufacture buses made with this chemical until adequate testing is done by an independent research lab. Second, the legislation passed in Nevada and beginning next year Nevada will no longer be able to purchase new buses. So far, it has failed in Maryland.I wonder if the Big Threes' new partner, the American Chemical Association, will just continue this insidious campaign. Stay tuned.
I too support teachers, but not the union. Pensions do not work. They only work with an ever expanding work force, otherwise the math does not make sense, which is exactly what the private sector figured out years ago.
Plus, the union is talking out of both sides. We should value teachers and their education and hard work (I agree). But don't blame teachers for kids that don't test well because they are poor and their parents are not involved. Ok, if that is your argument against merit based pay, why do we care if you are so highly educated? you are saying these children are un-teachable.
The problem is not district administrators, it is the union officials who are not teaching, but command enormas salaries for doing virtually nothing until they feel the need to strike.
The city has a decent offer on the table and it is unfortunate that Karen Lewis is trying to stake her claim. By the way, she changed her demands after 2 days of strikes and now claims the city is going to shut schools down.