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  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   12 years 4 months ago

    Published today, reported by Reuters, and even Fox News, that rats fed Monsanto corn got tumors, major organ failure, premature deaths in French big study.

    In spite of the "skepticism" spin on Fox's title (we have to be very afraid of Monsanto, right?), Fox reports the findings, as well as plenty of nebulous objections by Monsanto-troops.

    Strangely, CNN has kept silent on this major damaging-to-Monsanto story, shame on you CNN.

    The study tracked the rats through all of their 2-year lifespan, instead of the convenient 3-months America and Monsanto uses.

    It could not have come at a better time, now that Monsanto et al have spent millions of $$$ in California to not have to label GMO foods as such.

    America sadly has become the undignified country, where "Might is Right", and where Might=Money.
    No pride, no truth, no honesty, no morals, no ethics, just bribes and strong-arm tactics run this country, from government to business. The whole world can see it too.

    Here is the link to the article:

  • Reply to: On Jobs Promise, Walker Fooled Wisconsin Once; New Romney Ads Promise 240,000 State Jobs   12 years 4 months ago
    So the austerity attitude and approach by Scott Walker did not work, they have less jobs than before he came, he gutted the state and is still there. Hopefully they change the face of their congress in Wisconsin and give it back to the Democrats.
  • Reply to: Walker's New Capitol Police Chief Cracks Down on the First Amendment   12 years 4 months ago
    Your vulgarity is only surpassed by your ignorance. I am a teacher with a Master's degree who typically puts in one to two hours a night and goes into the school over the weekend to get work done. Since my district now has "tools", we are expected to come in during the summer to attend classes with no pay. My salary and benefits have been impacted. Instead of repeating false and ignorant statements you should investigate and find the truth.
  • Reply to: Three California Democrats Team Up with Monsanto   12 years 4 months ago
    I'm originally from Fresno so hearing about Henry Perea receiving contributions from Monsanto was really shocking....Just FYI...he also received $6,900 in campaign contributions from tobacco interests in the 2011-12 election cycle. Who is he really representing? Definitely not the people of California...or their right to know what's in the food they are eating. Maybe statewide pressure and emails to his office can change his position.
  • Reply to: Walker's New Capitol Police Chief Cracks Down on the First Amendment   12 years 4 months ago
    People of Wisconsin chose not to vote Scott Walker out of office when the opportunity presented itself. To the contrary, the people of Wisconsin came out in force to ensure that he remained in office so he may continue to bitch slap lazy overpaid ignorant union free loaders.
