Whole Foods has done more to improve the food in our country than our government. NO, I DO NOT work for them but I was involved in campaigns for years that targeted improvements for small to mid scale organic farmers as well as clean meat producers and I can say that this story is about as complete as a slice of swiss cheese. Forget the names of the companies who spent millions to fight a giant, monsanto. Think about the fact they have been fueled by politicians that many of us, have elected into office. Yes obama too! Cry me a tear in your prius....
Their animal wellfare program is one of the best we knew of and was being developed and driven by Whole Foods, not by demand from customers or the government. It is the right thing to do. What have any of you done to make changes or have your voice heard about the poisoning of our food system and GMO crop tolerance? Click a like button on facebook or anonymously sign some petition online?! Look at the problems and quit pointing at companies that you all love to hate. Did any of you drive today? Are you watching television? What did you and your kids eat today? Look at your choices. Just choosing organic is no longer enough. Companies like Monsanto can own the meaning the word organic these days...I feel sorry for you if you think otherwise.
The problem with our food system is that nobody wants to get involved on any level that requires commitment or time and effort. I became exhausted as well at my job so I changed professions. That said, I am still driven on a local level to keep improving things but I just realized how many people in the US truly do not care enough to do anything about the situation and how hard it is to change things on any scale beyond micro. That is why I only direct my efforts into our small local system. I encourage you all to do the same as this is really your only hope of taking the fish genes out of your tomatoes.
I found this petition on change.org and I thought fellow readers may be interested in signing and spreading to fellow parents, educators, and friends of public education.
The one good thing this film will do is bring discussions of parent trigger laws and the privatization of public schools into the mainstream. I wrote about this on my tiny little blog, Re:education in Baltimore, almost exactly one year ago (see http://editbarry.wordpress.com/2011/09/27/parent-trigger-straight-outta-compton/), and a colorful back and forth with Maryland state senator Bill Ferguson ensued. He is a Democrat who put forward a trigger-like bill called, more palatably, "The Parent Empowerment Act." It's worth noting that Democrats, too, are pushing for parent trigger legislation.
Whole Foods has done more to improve the food in our country than our government. NO, I DO NOT work for them but I was involved in campaigns for years that targeted improvements for small to mid scale organic farmers as well as clean meat producers and I can say that this story is about as complete as a slice of swiss cheese. Forget the names of the companies who spent millions to fight a giant, monsanto. Think about the fact they have been fueled by politicians that many of us, have elected into office. Yes obama too! Cry me a tear in your prius....
Their animal wellfare program is one of the best we knew of and was being developed and driven by Whole Foods, not by demand from customers or the government. It is the right thing to do. What have any of you done to make changes or have your voice heard about the poisoning of our food system and GMO crop tolerance? Click a like button on facebook or anonymously sign some petition online?! Look at the problems and quit pointing at companies that you all love to hate. Did any of you drive today? Are you watching television? What did you and your kids eat today? Look at your choices. Just choosing organic is no longer enough. Companies like Monsanto can own the meaning the word organic these days...I feel sorry for you if you think otherwise.
The problem with our food system is that nobody wants to get involved on any level that requires commitment or time and effort. I became exhausted as well at my job so I changed professions. That said, I am still driven on a local level to keep improving things but I just realized how many people in the US truly do not care enough to do anything about the situation and how hard it is to change things on any scale beyond micro. That is why I only direct my efforts into our small local system. I encourage you all to do the same as this is really your only hope of taking the fish genes out of your tomatoes.
...someone deleted the name of the original author.