Fracking poisons auqifers. We're already getting Mercury poisoning and mountain removal from coal, Climate Change from Carbon from burning of gasoline. Given the opportunity, the fossil fuel industry will kill us all just to make more money. They simply don't care. They've shown it time after time.
There is nothing wrong with requiring an ID to vote.
There IS something wrong with implementing this new law 9 months before a presidential election. If voter fraud was so rampant in the last election, why didn't the GOP rush to pass this law immediately after the 2008 election? Wait until the 2016 election to impose this, that way it will give people 4 years to get their act together, and THEN you can give them the 'you have no excuse' treatment.
Watch the video and sign the petition to end Voter Suppression.
It should be noted that for more than 35 years, NFIB has had and has promoted an anti-worker attitude. They have been a strong proponent of "Right to Work" laws, which are actually "right to work FOR LESS" rules as they limit the ability of workers to organize and bargain collectively. I am pleased to see the Center for Media and Democracy take them to task for their secrecy.