We've been watching the dismantling of America for way too long without speaking up and questioning the wisdom of this 'necessity'. The privatization of government by corporate interests is threatening the core interests of this country. Our governments' inability to do simple things like buy pharmaceuticals at wholesale prices tells us that we do not really have control of our own Congress. It's as if there were an entire other entity deciding the direction of our country.
Big business keeps posting high profits while never enough to give the workers a raise. Funny how the executives just keep on collecting record salaries, bonuses, golden parachutes and stock options. By systematically eliminating health and safety regulations that seem wasteful, we endanger society. By eliminating our benefits, freezing our salaries, cutting our hours, doubling our work and generally disrespecting the actual worker, we have become a two tier society. The haves and haves not.
We're a hard working, loyal society of workers that are so overworked and underpaid that we have been too tired to see it happening. While Wall Street colludes with big business to unfairly takes advantage of the masses, the healthcare industry and insurance companies are sleeping together. And we, the people are paying the hotel bill.
Maybe if we collected the taxes that ALEC rightfully owes for operating as a non-profit illegally all these years, make public their true purpose and expose how much money these corporations are donating as 'tax deductions'??? We could find out who the real players are in this country. We already know the blatantly rich and "I don't care who knows", the Koch Brothers, the rich gambling casino owner; it's the ones that hide behind corporate walls that worry me.
We may end up working for the 'company', buying 'company' products at 'company' prices that won't even leave us enough to pay the co-pays when our overworked bodies no longer can work. But, no worries, we'll have vouchers!
Democrat or Republican you can help. Prop 30, 32 are an alka-seltzes the Sacramento politicians and thei lobbyists want to take for a headache when brain surgery is required.
Been folled before by the Sacramento lobbyists and their politicians? Don't be fooled again
You are right. Most of the states in the Union required health care insurance companies to include birth control coverage long before health care became a Federal matter--and well before the church had Barack Obama as a personal target for their indignation. Trouble is, no responsible Catholic spokesperson came out against the States' policies and practices before Obama was elected. So something is quite a bit fishy, I'd say.
There is always ONE unhappy union member UNTIL he/she needs the union’s help.
The good work unions have done over the past century far outweigh the one objector to unions. Thank unions for your 8 hours day, ridding the factories of child labor, protective equipment for dangerous jobs, pensions, workman’s comp for injuries incurred on the job, etc. Businesses did NOT give workers these benefits without a fight. But then maybe this objector likes working a 12 hour day.
Actually, they have presented plans. Short-term: the American Jobs Act. Longer-term: vocational-technical training (and tuition support) matching employees to available jobs; investment in green energy; tax reform to reward companies for re-patriating out-sourced manufacturing jobs.
These plans are already showing results.