while you are laughing, perhaps you can provide a link to anyone other than a republican telling their employees how to vote. Can't find one on the net.
This statement is typical Marxist propaganda. You say Koch hates democracy yet the opposite is true. Marxist union leaders like Richard Trumka are the true opponents of democracy. Union leaders are virtually never elected by union members because hoodlums like Trumka would never be elected by the membership. The saviour of the Wisconsin taxpayer is Scott Walker since he is the one who stood up to the union graft and corruption that was bankrupting the state. Remember this one fact; the friend of working families is freedom to live and work without union dictators who rely on propaganda and brain-washed citizens to blindly follow them down the path to financial ruin. If you want to see what unions will do for America I suggest you spend a few days in Greece where unions reign supreme!
I have to laugh...I'm sure no one else "encourages" folks to vote one way or the other. Take a trip on the Internet if you don't believe it.
Don't be naive and think this doesn't happen on both sides of the fence.
This site is only another biased and rather hateful display of one-sided information.
...gets a surprisingly good tally here in New Hampshire, even though he totally works for the One Percent -- because most of votes he gets would otherwise go to Romney.
Go Gary!!!