WooHoo, a bunch of teapartiers patting themselves on the back. My only concern is that Scooter is trying to build his conservative popularity at the expense of WI populace. We're all supporting his deubtante expenses in one form or another - especially since he's running the state by remote control.
I heard recently that Russia now forbids the United States to sell GMO corn to them. They found that it rapidly caused breast cancer in mice. Why aren't we doing more testing on this stuff to find out if it is cancerous or is able to cross the blood brain barrier? There are a lot of people getting sick. Something is going on to cause swelling in the glial cells (immune cells in the spinal fluid). What if these pesticides or modified foods are causing the problems? Does anyone in our goverment care or are they making too much money off this?
You've got that right! It is appalling how the acolytes of the original ideology of lies are pointing fingers at conservatives.
Every single day, one or more Democrat politicians are caught in bald-faced lies for which the MSM provides less and less effective interference. Every major leftist "cause" is based on lies.
Conservatives find themselves conceding some of the lies just to keep the debate moving, otherwise liberals would naval-gaze, contemplating their cleverness until Rome burns.
From an outsiders perspective (Australian) it would appear that US companies no longer have to source their slaves overseas. Your people are now just a commodity to be bought and sold on the open market and are rapidly losing any right to express your views. So much for free speech.
More than any other Western country except Greece it appears you are in need of a movement like the "Arab Spring". As Bob Marley was heard to sing "stand up stand up for your rights".