Oh please - you don't think all of the people who don't work and get government handouts - and live in public housing don't tell each other how to vote?
You don't think they understand how to work the system at times so they are able to get as much as they can?
You don't think at least one of them has encouraged others also living on government benefits to vote to continue this life support system so they don't have to go and get a job?
You don't think that people with government jobs don't promote others to vote in a way that best ensures their government job?
How is this any different?
Not only is this a real example of corporate bullying it is a form of extortion. If the boss decides to check public record of your political affiliation, what is to stop him from firing you for what in his mind is 'insubordination'. Candidate Romney and these so-called business groups are showing their true anti-representative government colors by pushing this agenda. The end game of Citizens United couldn't be more clear: Divide the people and conquer them by using enormous sums of money to extract their ability to separate GOP propoganda from reality and scare them into submission.
These people are not patriotic Americans, only weak thinking fascists. This is sobering but absolutely accurate :Vote Democrat or lose our democratic republic, it's that simple.
And the only country to have a For Profit medical system! The perfect circle of life for the medical industry.
They get Profits and we get Cancer!
Too many young people are dying to soon, even middle age people are dying off faster. In my small circle of family & friends in the last 8 months, it's been 7 deaths from cancer. Ages ranging from 19-68 years old.