Sounds OK right? Lets just make it a fed id and because it is so important to use to exercise a persons RIGHT to vote make it a requirement to buy or transfer a gun. Would help to keep guns out of the hands of unqualified or illegal users, right?? Doesn't sound so great anymore does it Spanky?
Yes Obama is silent on climate change - because it's too "hot" to touch, politically speaking. Touch it now and he's done and can't fight for anything else. Instead, join with John McCain and fight PAC Money.
To do so, first thoroughly understand the strengths and weaknesses with democracy so you can argue for it - assuming you support democracy - because that's what's at stake: people's vote versus half-truths and lies by anonymous extremists.
The anonymous extremists vying for power are the obstacle to truth, including climate change, minimum wage, and universal health care. Stopping PAC money from buying government officials subverts democracy. For Tolkien fans, a good analogy would be it is the "One Ring to control them all".
Informed voters interested in learning about Mitt Romney's pathological disorder associated with his severe character flaws, including lies, distortions and misinformation, should click on the link below to discover what Massachusetts residents think about his one term as governor of that state.
Stephen Einhorn & his idiot silver spoon son Daniel must be punished for their disgusting brand of voter suppression. They lied to and insulted whole communities of American citizens for WHAT? Because they
don't want to pay a few more dollars in taxes? COME ON! Where I'm from that's a good reason to drag these TRAITORS out to the alley and make them cry like school girls. I'm not your daddy's Liberal mf******ers, spoact.blogspot.c**
I see Daniel Einhorn is of age why isn't the little bugger over there in the Middle East serving in the military. What about the 5 Romney trust fund babies. After Bush Jr I'm starting to think the biggest threat to the USA are these vain, self-serving power mad greed stricken silver spoon trust fund baby CON ARTISTS who seem to gather in the GOP.
Tagg Romney has been buying voting machines… COME ON?
VA Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli has refused to press charges against Colin Small for throwing away the voter registration forms filled out by Democrats. JEEZ!
On December 19, 2008, 45 year old Republican operative Michael Connell, accused of vote rigging in Ohio, was killed in a small plane crash into a home near Akron. Karl Rove was heard by witnesses threatening to kill Connell if he testified against the Bush/Cheney Administration… OH MY GOD!
IMPORTANT: VOTE! Please don’t forget to vote against Republicans in Senate, House, state and local government elections. We must put the stake in the heart of this life sucking vampire known as the GOP before they shame us all.