Making those cards, verifying who you are when you apply for one, making sure you only get the card intended for you -- that's a huge, huge industry. Who would do it? It's all too important to trust to government -- that would only make government bigger, and that's SOCIALISM! Gaaahhh!!! SOCIALISM!!!
Fortunately, there are plenty of fine private security corporations that would be more than willing to shoulder that patriotic burden. Corrections Corp. of America and Blackwater come to mind, just off the top of my head.
Come on. Is that really the sort of country you want to turn the US into? Seriously.
This is what we are left with? Our only choice's for President are Romney and Obama. We have already given Obama 4yrs. to attempt to keep his word his campane promises to tell the truth to everyone of us. Now 4 yrs. later we are no better than we were then, but we are very worse off now than ever! so 4 yrs later it's time for re-election again and we are Billion's +++ more in debt and Our Men and Women are still giving their live's across the world fighting for "Our Ccontry" when just 4 yrs. ago we were promised that they would be comming home soon if electeed? well there was some truth to it, many have come home unfortunatly they arrived in pine box's or some almost complet just missing a few limb's or blind ect. ect. and everyday those children of our's keep arriving. Once they are home God love them all for everything that they have accomplished Thank you each and everyone there and here we are as Parent's and Human's Respect and are truly Thankfull for all you have done for us. Once they are home in whatever condition they have returned our country if they do no reinlist have nothing more to offer them! No medical, no hope's for a normal life because in their dream they now have nightmares wake up in cold sweats truly beleaving they are still away and in danger. How do we begin once again? Obama and Romney are our choice for a President? One that to dat has no even shown " us " { United States } any proof of his birth in our country and Romney which can not even think for himself let alone stop tripping over his own words. This is what we have to choose from. A man I would of and I think so many, many other would of also love to see run would of been Colin Powell now there is a man who has Respect and is Solid. I have children and we always want and hope for better for them than what we have had and in some ways they have but more than not? there's nothing. I am not claiming to be any better than anyone else because I am not, I just wish we had more of a choice or at lease an Honest, True American that can be trusted running for President.
I am old enough to remember Republican integrity, harking back to Eisenhower's era.
What has happened to the Republican party? My guess: lots of ways for them to make lots of money,
then subvert Americans' constitutional rights in order to control elections. If indeed they were patriots,
they would find above board strategies, something we could be proud of, instead of the horror show
of the past two decades. I am ashamed to be a Republican. Romney lying about car companies, changing
his positions, saying he will take "anyone's" vote to win, even including voter suppression. He might well
have won the election if he had stayed on a real, consistent and viable platform.
Sad days for the nation.
Tme to put our money in play here... Let's hit these folks and their associates in their pocketbooks... Boycott all of their companies, and those that do business with them! Let them see that WE THE PEOPLE will not tolerate plutocracy!