Isn't funny how these <b>"MEN"</B> want to make or change laws about about womens body. <b>TODD AKIN</b> calling into question Legitimate rape. Is there any other kind of rape? <b>MOURDOCK.... </b> You want a woman to carry a child and give birth to a child from a <b>MAN </b> who raped her. Gods will? Do you really believe that God intended for a <b>MAN</b> to rape a woman? <b>REALLY?</b> Well not the God I know and love.
Just to make my feelings clear... Abortion is <b>NOT</b> a form of birth control. I don't believe that teens should be having sex. I think that PARENTS need to keep having those hard conversations with their SONS & DAUGHTERS about sex and make sure that they understand the importance of using some type of protection if they are going to have sex. Young women need to be more responsible about who they are sleeping with and taking the proper preventative care to help ensure that pregnancy doesn't happen.
That said... When there are sooooooooo many <b>DEADBEAT DADS </b>out there, it puts such a hardship on women to take care of the children they do have. Another mouth to feed can be devastating. We need the right to choose what happens to our bodies.
It's hard to believe that that old double standard is still out there in 2012. Men have random sex and it makes them macho and cool but when women do it, they are whores and sluts. Drives me crazy. These MEN want to go out and have unprotected sex and help create all these babies, but they deny them and don't support them and it all goes downhill from there. It then falls to women who can't afford it to the states to support all these children. Children grow up without the support and love of a father. Gods will? I think not.
Women of this country need to unite and defend our right to make decisions about our own bodies. But we have a bigger responsibility than that. We need to educate and council our young teen girls to make better choices for themselves. It's our duty as women to this. We need to help and protect each other because these <B>MEN WILL NOT!</b>
wake up Donkeys SANDY is an artificial Hurricain done by new satellites technologies it attacks the Christians Praying states in the USA do a research you will find just search tax foundation non paraying state picture and the hurricain attacked states its not normal you will find the relation of General Motors Company with Exxon with Tax Foundation its not normal that a storm attack WA and MA on different sides of the USA look at the map ...
I fear most Americans would be lost by this discussion and explains why the support for Obamacare is so tepid. The return on a few bucks well placed with legislators is astounding ergo ALEC. I've seen corruption up close in the third world. The only differnece here is the price tag and ROR.