Propaganda is a term with an interesting history. If I remember properly, it was born in the 14th century, a Papal term, meaning a message for the people, practical, not high theology. The word "propaganda" was a positive word until Himmler/Hitler spun it into misuse. They elevated the German people, demonized the Jews...
And in this election, Karl Rove and the Republicans demonized Obama, and his agenda, grouping He and all Democrats to the far left.
Really, if one has speant any time reading balanced news, or hearing both sides of the news, it is quite easy to see that Obama is more centered, than leftist. But the Republicans, with shelf space to the far right, moved so far to the right, you cannot find a political party anywhere on Earth who shares their views. Exept maybe the Muslim Brotherhood.
This is precisely what Washington has to deal with and that is people without a firm grip on reality as far as insisting that something be done to advance their own agenda. I just wish she , and others like her had as much zeal in addressing the needs of the country's citizens. How many ways does it have to cast before she gets the idea? Unless she believes that would have restricted access to 300,000 Obama voters in Wi., That part is okay as long as her guy wins. How did this moron get elected Senator? She doesn't even see how sinister she broadcasts about herself.
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