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  • Reply to: Corrections Corporation of America Used in Drug Sweeps of Public School Students   12 years 2 months ago
    The situation ably described in this article is extremely worrisome, and not only for the reasons the author and quoted experts point out. For-profit prison guards are notoriously poorly trained. Their high rate of annual turnover make that almost inevitable. The corporations' million dollar executive make their money by deliberate short staffing and hiring those employees with the least ability and aptitude and willing to work for the least pay and benefits. They are poorly screened because the corporations have substantial difficulties even hiring enough employees to give even the appearance of adequate staffing. Their background checks are marginal because a sufficient check would represent a considerable expense in an employee who might just last a few weeks. CCA has hired employees in Pinal county, even an assistant warden, who have killed others for revenge, while in their prior CCA employ or while driving drunk. They get employees who are in terrible financial trouble, so are highly vulnerable to augmenting their poor wages by way of smuggling drugs, weapons, cell phones and escape tools. Any review of the corporation's or its competitors' history would make that quickly apparent. Toerbijns is absolutely correct. For-profit guards tend to over respond, resorting to unnecessary force, failing to maintain objectivity. They are poorly trained in police investigative methods. One police sergeant told me CCA employees in his town couldn't make cases on prisoners who had committed assaults, or had been caught with drugs, for instance, because they didn't know or follow the most basic rules and procedures such as "chain of evidence." CCA employees in Louisiana are so inept at keeping drugs and other more dangerous contraband out of its prisons that public prison corrections officers have been detailed to make the sweeps the corporate employees couldn't, and have hauled away masses of drugs, weapons and other contraband. There are a few important issues which haven't been discussed. The first is the fear-provoking introduction of high school students to the police state. I'm afraid I'm smelling a whiff of Nazi Germany where police might have come to a school to check on the ethnicity or religion of students. All those German citizen boys might have been ordered to drop their pants, for instance. They would be encouraged to become informants on their classmates by the thought police. The second is one of liability. What if one of the dogs, with perhaps questionable training, handled by an inept and/or untrained guard, bit a child? Who would be responsible? The school? The corporation? The third is the consequences of these raids. They essentially terrorized almost 1,800 students, marched them around the school like prisoners, interrupted the educative process, diminished the reputation of school administrators in their eyes and probably had a number of false alerts on kids who didn't have any drugs at all. What did the achieve? They found a grand total of three kids possessing a drug that has just been legalized this month in two more states. None possessed enough to be arrested in New York City by policy or Alaska by law. But because of the drug free school zones, CCA-promoted legislation (which applies in various states to substantial distances from the actual schools) the lives of these kids may be over. Their professional and academic careers may be finished. Did the boy with .5 gram of weed intend to get high on it? Did he have sufficient dexterity to roll the world's smallest "joint?" Let me translate how little that was. If he had 50 times that much and put it in an envelope and mailed it, it would only take one 45-cent stamp. If his 15 year old female counterpart had 250 times as much as it is alleged she "possessed," it would have taken just one stamp. In fact, that .1 gram might have weighed less than the stamp on the envelope. It could have been just a few flecks in the lint at the bottom of a pocket or the seam of a borrowed book bag, or on the sole of a shoe. Should the 17-year-old suffer any consequences for her actions? I think she should. It's a terrible idea to go around, especially at her age, like the Johnny Appleseed of hemp. She needs a wake up call, but does not need to get the possible draconian criminal penalties she faces. But the real question should be, I think, is, "Was it worth locking down this school for hours, watching their teachers being essentially deputized in the process and subjecting these kids to being frightened by both legitimate law and order and even worse, to these inept 'rent-a-cop' brown-shirted guards." I think the principal of the school should also suffer the consequences of his own rash and irresponsible actions. I'd like to know what the district superintendent allowed and thought about it. I hope that a majority of the parents of the seventeen-hundred-and-something students who were subjected to this display of prohibitionist fanaticism should express their opinion regarding their dehumanization to that effect, now, and at the next election for school board members, if necessary.
  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   12 years 2 months ago

    I am sorry, but you cannot blame the markets for what goes into your mouth if you are already aware of GMO's and the very loose use of the word "Natural" in the marketing of foods. I f you know about GMO's, then you know what foods are now Genetically Engineered, so it is YOUR job to READ the labels. "Whole Foods" is a name as is "Kroger or Publix," none of which states "Certified Organic." Nothing in their marketing states that they are totally "Certified Organic." I know we are all looking for someone that we can trust to provide us with safe and healthy food. Unfortunately, because the FDA/USDA is in bed with the ChemAgri companies, the ONLY people we can TRUST is person that looks back at you from the mirror! We have to stop complaining about grocery stores and turn that anger towards the REAL culprits, that is the ONLY way we are going to be sure. Take time to write the congressman in your state, and if you have time write ALL of them. They may not represent your state, but they represent "We The People." Whole Foods is the needle in the haystack, and the only way to find the needle is to burn the haystack down! The haystack is there to burn, but the government regulatory agencies are the only people with the match! To get them to act, "We The People" are going to have to hold their feet to the flames. Collectively we will be heard, individually it is not going to happen. Think about this, if you were in a bar or restaurant where YOU were the ONLY person being loud what would happen? Your butt would be ask to be quiet or leave. Now compare that to a bar or restaurant were EVERYONE was think the management would throw everyone out, not on your life. Just start Screaming!!

  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   12 years 2 months ago

    Chemistry PhD....not in this lifetime, or you have had your head up you a&& for about 20 years! I just retired from an almost 40 yr career that started with a BS in Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, MS in BioMedical and Health Sciences, MS in Clinical Research, & MS in Cellular and Genetic Biology. I also hold a PhD in Molecular Pathobiology, in addition to a BioMedical Sciences, PhD. My parents always said that when you stop learning, you stop living, and I agree.

    That said, HOW are YOU not aware of the enormous amount of data that has been collected, by numerous scholars conducting multiple laboratory studies that all corroborate the fact that GMO's are unsafe for human consumption AND detrimental to the environment. The only theory I can perceive is that YOU are an employee of one of these government supported "Chemical Eugenicists" ie Monsanto, DuPont, Bayer, etc. As a chemist, you should know the rest. Another theory is that you are a "go with the flow of money" Professor of some University that has received A LOT of GRANT MONEY from the "Devil Dogs" of science.

    I will concede that you are correct in saying that "weed killers kill weeds," but they also KILL ANIMALS, we the people are animals also!!!! Wheat flour dust is in fact flammable, but we KNOW that and take precautions. We also know that there is approximately 6.5 million auto accidents in the US per year, but again, WE KNOW THAT!!! The point is that WE KNOW and WE CHOOSE to use weed killers or drive our cars, but we don't get the option to CHOOSE whether we are exposed to Genetically Engineered Foods because the "Food Terriorists" have managed to BUY the FDA/USDA. If you are "really in the dark" about the enormous and collaborative data supporting the dangers of Genetically Engineered Foods, then please do your own research and read the book "Seeds of Destruction" by F. William Engdahl, you might just learn a thing or two that they did not teach in graduate school!

    As I stated before, I am "retired!" I sold my company and I have no monetary obligation to anyone, so I am doing my OWN STUDY of GMO's, I have the credentials, I have the Genetically Engineered Food available at any grocery, and I have the rats and equipment. What I find, I will publish!! Now you know why I don't include MY NAME, the Monsanto Mafia would be at my door by morning.

  • Reply to: 117 ALEC Members Voted Out in 2012   12 years 2 months ago
    Is there some way that I can find out which members, at present or failed to be re-elected, are/were involved with our Washington state legislature. I would like to follow-up on them, particularly, if they will remain in office for this next term. I feel those in my legislative district are not ALEC members, but I would like to know for certain. Thank you. Irene Potter
  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   12 years 2 months ago

    Are u kidding me?! U really think Obama isn't in monsanto's pocket? If so, ur a fool! Read this: People need to stop trusting this gov of ours. I'm so sick of hearing people worship Obama. Our gov is just as much to blame as monsanto!
