We dropped State Farm (house and car insurance) after I called our agent multiple times. When I finally spoke to his representative, she showed no interest in conveying my concern about State Farm's involvement with ALEC to anyone at headquarters. As a result, my husband dropped all our State Farm insurance even though they had been our insurance company for 30 years.
TALK ABOUT THE POT CALLING THE KETTLE BLACK! Are we forgetting that Romney was promising gifts far greater than the total of all of Obama's so called gifting in $5 Trillion in tax cuts. Just the elimination of the Capital Gains Tax, which he promised to dispose of would have saved Romney himself MILLIONS in tax dollars. Obama's gifts trifle in comparison. So Romney needs to just Shut the he!! up!
Yes, Walker has sleazed his way through this investigation, just like he's done each time he's been accused, or questioned. That's what makes Walker so dangerous, HE'S A VERY ACCOMPLISHED LIAR & CHEAT, and has already gotten away with far more than Wisconsin should have allowed. Look at his record, he was kicked-out of Marquette mere months prior to graduation; he make a mess of the county while he was Executive, people being killed by his back-alley deals for cheap concrete; when given the the office of Governor instead of leading, he and his right-wing allies secretly came up with a plan and an excuse to do away with public collective-bargaining, then when his high-handed ways got him recalled, he managed to raise $67 million in donations, mostly from millionaires with their own agendas for Wisconsin, (like fracking), the money and his "Divide and Conquer" strategy worked, and he managed to hold on to his power. If you think Walker gives a hoot about our great State, you are sadly mistaken. We are merely a stepping stone to his bid for the Presidency, but even Walker and his sleazy machine will not prevail against a formidable vetting process, which will reveal what a corrupt piece of sleazy garbage this guy really is.
With any luck there are at least several families with enough money to retain decent legal representation and get the ball rolling. Others would no doubt join in once a "bandwagon" was established. And perhaps the ACLU will take interest.
Call me old-fashioned, but I thought schools were where our children went to be educated, but high-security day care centers where they are trained to live under the whim of armed people in uniform.