Recent comments

  • Reply to: 117 ALEC Members Voted Out in 2012   12 years 2 months ago
    Oh big deal! Our poster child of a Republican ALEC legislator quit ALEC but will continue to spew forth carbon copy legislation while proudly saying he "left" ALEC. It’s just like the big businesses that have left ALEC. They only jumped ship because of the bad publicity NOT because they no longer believe in the ALEC philosophy!
  • Reply to: As Top Aide Is Sentenced to Jail Time, Scott Walker Lands in the Hot Seat    12 years 2 months ago
    The voters are Sheep-ple. They don't use their brains...just go along with any name recognition they have. They vote in one party, when PO’ed at that party they vote in the other party without any reasoning and so on and so on. They never check facts or even know who their local legislators are. They know more about the reality “stars” of Jersey Shores and "Dancing... Stars" then about the legislators who make their laws and/or make or break their constituents! Use your brains voters; know your history, know your current events so we don’t keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again and doom ourselves to failure.
  • Reply to: ALEC and Heartland Aim to Crush Renewable Energy Standards in the States   12 years 2 months ago
    Dear ALEC: Hands off New Hampshire! According to this op-ed in today's Concord [NH] Monitor -- -- New Hampshire's renewable energy mandate has already brought the state a huge return on investment: <blockquote>This spring, in preparing for the debate on Senate Bill 218, which modified the RPS law, utility representatives and I [the op-ed writer] found that New Hampshire and its communities received $111.1 million in direct benefits –- taxes and economic activity -– from its renewable energy projects in 2010." </blockquote> The op-ed goes on to detail the direct benefits and much more in indirect benefits. I believe these tangible benefits to New Hampshire are well worth legally mandating, as opposed to ALEC's nebulous benefits of free-market ideology to "{insert state here}."
  • Reply to: Bank of America Cuts Ties to ALEC   12 years 2 months ago
    The news that BoA, like many others, is withdrawing from ALEC is welcome news indeed. However, it only means the relationship has been exposed to the light of day and now needs to be determined to what deeper hole they and the others are now scurrying to. I would find it quite hard to believe it is being done out of any sense of moral conscience, altruism, or a born again faith. Else wise, why not make a public statement? IMHO.
  • Reply to: Corrections Corporation of America Used in Drug Sweeps of Public School Students   12 years 2 months ago
    This is a gross violation of these kids rights
