"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered...I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
I have no sympathy for Wisconsin voters. They were warned about what would happen. They had the chance to keep sanity in their state government with elections, both regular and recall. They not only chose to give complete control back to the people who make screwy laws, but they returned the governor to his post when they could have sent him packing.
So now Wisconsin voters wanted it and they have it.
They now own their own legislature, and they are owned by it as well. It's all their own fault. Whatever happens in Wisconsin, voters in record numbers turned out and gave control of the state to the Right Wing Nut Jobs.
They wanted it, they have it. And it's all theirs.
Dear Sir or Madam:
What you describe are voter registration rules in many states *before* they were made more difficult in an effort to reduce likely Democratic voting populations.
In many states, a person could present their Driver's License or state-issued student ID along with a utility bill or lease to show her identity and residency and be able to vote, but what many of the ALEC-inspired laws do is say that you can no longer do that. You have to present a driver's license with an address in the precinct, not a bill or lease showing you live there but have not yet changed your driver's license (or in the case of students that you have your permanent address at your parents' place though you reside and vote many hours away, where you live). States have required that the ID have an expiration date, even though your identity does not expire and so a Medicare card or federally issued social security card or state issued college ID (which often requires greater verification and tuition money than a Driver's License) does not count. Other states require a birth certificate to get a driver's license but a driver's license to get a birth certificate (a Catch-22).
So, you see, these efforts are about manipulating the rules to make it harder for your fellow citizens to vote and it is about doing so to try to gain a partisan political advantage. And, that's something every citizen ought to be concerned about, as Americans.