Recent comments

  • Reply to: After a Controversial Year, ALEC Convenes in Washington with Damage Control at Top of Agenda   12 years 2 months ago
    They say that to kill a snake you hav eto cut its head off. Well, while I like the symbolism of that act, starving it is also very functional. ALEC would not exist were it not for the profound greed and less than "American" intentions of its food source ... those who pay to belong to this deadly creature. ALEC is worse than the most profound cancer know ... eating away as the very fabric of our land. Kill the snake.
  • Reply to: Common Cause WI: Incoming Senate Majority Leader Launches Nonsensical Attack on the Non-Partisan Elections Board   12 years 2 months ago
    UncleReggie: Wisconsin voted Tammy Baldwin into the US Senate, and for Obama by a similar comfortable margin. In voting for our state legislature, Democrats beat Republicans statewide by a substantial number of votes. So, how did the Republicans retain control of the Assembly and take back the Senate? Here’s your word to look up for today: gerrymandering.
  • Reply to: Bank of America Cuts Ties to ALEC   12 years 2 months ago
    You see, BofA may have withdrawn from ALEC, but their character hasn't changed. You see, people are flocking to Credit unions ... everything banks once were, and more. AND, they are local. Locally owned and operated ... the profits from these Credit Unions are funneled back to th emembership. Think about it ... a wolf in sheeps clothing is still a wolf, and I can hear B o fA howling from here.
  • Reply to: Bank of America Cuts Ties to ALEC   12 years 2 months ago
    Still "anking" with banks? Why? They aren't what they used to be, and they are getting worse. You see, what were once large investment houses are now banks. They are buying up and taking over all of we once knew as banks. Those "banks" you see around town ... those ones that used to be "local" ... well, they aren't. Fact is, local banking is gone - over - done with. Those building are simply BINO's ... Banks In Name Only, and they have only one goal - to take and drain as much money out of your local area as they can, and line their pockets with it. Y o u r - a l t e r n a t i v e . . . CREDIT UNIONS. They, for the most part, are what local banks once were.
  • Reply to: The Devolution of American Media: In Madison Take-No-Prisoners Politics Gives Way to “Power Shopping”   12 years 2 months ago
    I agree completely. I used to look forward to Monday mornings after a Sly-less weekend. Now I rely on public radio, which is also thoughtful and interesting but doesn't touch on local issues the way Sly did. I want to call him up and ask for his take on Tim Russell's plea deal, and Fitzgerald's rant on the GAB. In addition, Sly provided a forum for local candidates and was very helpful to me and other progressives when we ran for office. The frosting on Sly's cake was 30 minutes of John Nichols every day. Come back, Sly. We miss you.
