Mr. Lakely,
I challenge you to divulge the names of Heartland's donors and the amounts they donated. I have no qualms about making my donations to CMD and similar organizations public. I would have to check my records, but I believe I've given them about $250 over the past few years and intend to keep doing so. A little transparency might buy you some of the credibility you seem to be looking for.
It stands to reason that a Bush woud be associated with an orginization as crooked as ALEC, all Bush family members should belong to it, and> you want us to allow him to be a candidate for Pres,, didnt we get far more than we wanted with daddy and the drunk??? NO THANK YOU
After AT&T refused to even acknowledge criticism of its ALEC membership, I did the only conscionable thing: I stopped doing business with them. US Cellular, whose parent company has supported Russ Feingold and Tammy Baldwin in the past, got my business.
Perhaps the Koch Bros. should be forcibly kept out of negotiations entirely.
Their agenda, along with that of ALEC, is BAD for WORLD POLICY.
After all, we world citizens outnumber them -- they should be paying attention to what WE want and NEED.
The Friday after the election, I turned on the radio (KPOJ) to find two lunkheads babbling about sports and no sign of Carl in the Morning, my normal intellectual & political pick-me-up about local and national events.
If this were only about profits, I think the station owners would have given some warning and offered listeners some means of keeping the show going as well. But I think the real story is that right-wing-nut media moguls recognize the role of such programs in defeating their candidates and bills. This is a violation of FCC rules: the airwaves are on loan from We the People to media companies as long as they serve us. But increasingly the airwaves are being used to dumb us down, obfuscate and distract.
We're not standing for it here and our state senators have actually gotten involved. I urge you to demand the same.