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  • Reply to: Michigan Passes "Right to Work" Containing Verbatim Language from ALEC Model Bill   12 years 2 months ago
    It does make some valid points about Union activities though. I wouldn't really want to be a part of a union that supported something I didn't and I understand that. The article cherry-picks when it states that Nevada and Iowa have relatively high unionization rates. 20 of the 25 least unionized states have RTW laws. Less than 11 percent of the work force in each of those 25 states are members of unions. Of the 25 most unionized states, 3 have RTW laws, Nevada (15th), Indiana (22nd) and Iowa (24th). Nevada and Iowa don't exactly have large workforces either, Nevada has the 17th smallest workforce and Iowa has the 22nd smallest workforce. Indiana is probably the lone exception as it has the 15th largest workforce. Interesting enough, 8 of the 25 largest workforce states have under 7 percent unionization and all 8 of them have RTW laws. None of that means Right-To-Work kills unions, although it would seem that would be the effect since union dues are no longer required, less people would pay them to the point that it wouldn't make sense to have a union. Short term, this will probably have little effect on wages/annual salaries but it remains to be seen what happens long term. Perhaps it's true that unions today don't actually do what their supposed to do which is represent the workforce in salary/benefits negotiations however the need for workforce representation remains necessary. Without workforce organization/representation there is nothing stopping employers from paying minimum salaries and benefits in order to maximize profits. The article makes a better case that we should have union regulation laws instead of anti-union laws. If unions were regulated and had limitations on what percentages they could spend on non-representation activities then that would likely be favorable to everyone.
  • Reply to: Over Half a Million Dollars Couldn't Stop Colorado Community From Banning Fracking   12 years 2 months ago
    at the next nc mining and energy meeting Dec. 19th : Bill Ritter, Director, Center for the New Energy Economy and Former Governor for the State of Colorado He is TOTAL PRO FRACK !
  • Reply to: Michigan Passes "Right to Work" Containing Verbatim Language from ALEC Model Bill   12 years 2 months ago
    Michigan voters already made it clear they don't want the unions. This was done in Prop 2 during general election. That is why Gov could go ahead with this bill. Prop 2 says, “No existing or future law of the state or its political subdivisions shall abridge, impair or limit” unions’ ability to “negotiate in good faith regarding wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment…” In other words, government unions will no longer be governed by elected officials, the taxpayers, or even the laws of the state; those would all be subordinated to a collective bargaining agreement. This bill is about freedom of choice. If you remember, this is what country was founded on, but apparently the liberals don't care about that. Thank you.
  • Reply to: ALEC-Inspired Union-Busting Bill Narrowly Passes in Michigan as Koch Group Cheers   12 years 2 months ago
    America sees the effect of a century of labor unions in Michigan--GM in collapse (overpriced and underperforming cars), skyrocketing crime and murder rates, ghost-town neighborhoods demolished--a state in total free fall. Yeah, labor unions have been such a positive influence! Don't blame the GOP, either, because these actions all began happening in the last 40 years. And how does it make sense that someone who doesn't join a union should be required to pay dues anyway? You accuse the GOP of being Stalinist because they don't support unions, but isn't forcing someone to do something against their will and that may not be in line with their political views is, at its core, totalitarian? In other words, tyrannical--just like Stalin and Hitler. I am a conscientious buyer and I look for the union label--then I put the item back on the shelf and keep looking for a non-union version, even if I have to resort to foreign-made. I will never willingly or knowingly buy union-made. Never. What have Unions done for America? 1) 1937: Unions gave us the 40-hour work week. (1 point) 2) Fair Wages And Relative Income Equality (yet folks still aren't making enough to survive--even in Michigan.) (-1/2 point) 3) 1938: The end of child labor. Unions helped, but they didn't do it singlehandedly. (1/3 of a point, since two non-union groups also participated.) 4) 1942: Unions fought for employer-provided health coverage. (1 point) 5) 1993: Medical and family leave act. (1 point) Total points: 2.83 Wow, what an effective 110 year history unions have had. I think I'll continue to take my chances and keep my money here in the South, where the only people who live in squalor are uneducated or too lazy to find gainful employment (like you can find at any Wal-Mart!) Long Live Right To Work!
  • Reply to: Michigan Passes "Right to Work" Containing Verbatim Language from ALEC Model Bill   12 years 2 months ago
    The union is the one truly taking advantage of the collective bargaining arrangement. By Jarrett Skorup | Dec. 10, 2012:
