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  • Reply to: Despite Super PACs Finding Limited Success in 2012, Money in Politics Will Escalate   12 years 1 month ago
    Something must be done! Impeach the 5 Supreme Court justices for the politically-motivated Citizens United decision to accelerate corruption of our Democracy to benefit the Republican party. Willful Judicial malfeasance.
  • Reply to: Michigan Passes "Right to Work" Containing Verbatim Language from ALEC Model Bill   12 years 1 month ago
    You are right they voted down Prop 2, but you are wrong about their feelins about unions. A no vote did not mean they wanted to become a right to work state--which by the way has driven down wages, benefits, safe working conditions in what is it--7 out of the ten states that have it. Freedom of choice you say, well the unions should also have freedome of choice--they bargain for their own members and those free loaders bargain for their own--that would be real freedom. Like your 40 hour week, like your paid vacations, like safe working conditions, like it when you get represented if you have a problem with management--thank a union. However, for your freedome of choice--do it on your own. I am for a two teir sysem of pay--that should solve the problem. And this is an almost perbatem law written up by ALEC--check it out and if you think they are for you--well you need to rethink that And back to that voting down the proposition--there were so many ballet proposals it was overwhelming. And I would also like to state if the voters were so for this, why did the legislators do this without hearings, putting a money part to it so it would be much harder to repeal--yeah, sure--they did it because they knew that it would not be popular. And hope the right to work law hits you right where it will hurt--your billfold.
  • Reply to: ALEC's So-Called "Right to Work" Bill as Political Revenge in Michigan   12 years 1 month ago
    The World Bank, known for being notoriously conservative, released a report in February stating labor unions are good for the economy. Information gathered from over a thousand studies on the effects of labor unions and collective bargaining on the performance of national economies showed that workers who were members of trade unions earn higher wages, received more training and worked fewer hours. High rates of unionization also lessens inequality of earnings, especially for women and minority groups. Their report sited: Unions and Collective Bargaining: Economic Effects in a Global Environment. The study also found that countries fare better economically if large numbers of workers belong to trade unions.More specifically the study shows that high unionization rates are associated with lower unemployment and inflation, higher productivity, and speedier adjustments to economic shocks. The World Bank's Managing Director stated "Good industrial relationships between labor and business lead to an economy that is stable and productive." The middle class better get a clue right that unions are not the bad guys. The misinformation that has been fed to the public about unions was intentional and the misinformed have bought it lock, stock and barrel.
  • Reply to: At ALEC Meeting, Indiana Regulator Advises Coal Companies on Delaying EPA Climate Rules   12 years 1 month ago
    Politicians do what they were hired to do. There are people who COULD have voted against them, but maybe didn't, or perhaps there are not enough to defeat them. We need to do something about it. There is an easier way to participate between elections and hold politicians accountable for implementing solutions that benefit all of us.
  • Reply to: Time Gives Up on Factchecking: Corporate Media Can't Find a Way to Tell the Truth   12 years 1 month ago
    Sure Romney did shoot himself (and his party...Formerly my party..pre1982) in the proverbial A$$et$. But Obama is just as bad if sneakier about his lies. BOTH parties want to gut the constitution. Obama signed the NDDA which is the most treasonous law since the mis-named "Patriot" Act. The biggest problem that we have as a nation is that our 4th estate (the media) that is SUPPOSED to alert us when politicians lie and cheat has been owned by just 6 mega-corporations for the past 10+years. If you are a real investigative reporter, How do you tell the nation that what your boss is doing is wrong and even criminal...Short DON'T if you want to have a job to go to. Bottom line: It is past time for a new Constitutional convention along the lines of the Contract for America proposed by Van Jones. Congress (ALL of them with VERY few exceptions) is trying to gut the Constitution and our rights, and they're doing it with the full faith and credit of ALEC...See If you are not outraged, you are not paying attention!
