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  • Reply to: Backgrounder: the History of the NRA/ALEC Gun Agenda   12 years 1 month ago
    So, What kind of law and how many laws would have been necessary to keep this disaster in Conn. from happening?? The answer is NONE!!! Laws do not and can not deter sick and evil people from comitting their crimes; whatever weapon may be used. I am sad these innocent children and adults were taken out of this life BUT Social Laws can not fix this problem.
  • Reply to: Backgrounder: the History of the NRA/ALEC Gun Agenda   12 years 1 month ago
    <p>Connecticut gun laws were not so tough as to protect the children from the murderer&#39;s mother stockpiling deadly weapons in her home, including reportedly the rapid-firing assault rifle that was used to fire multiple bullets at first-graders -- six-year old little boys and girls -- murdering them in cold blood.&nbsp; The purpose of such assault weapons and their ammunition is to inflict as much massive, deadly damage to the human body as possible as quickly as possible, stealing the lives from the victims who die painful and terrible deaths. Most Americans are rightly concerned about the consequences of the widespread availability of these tools for perpetrating mass murder.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
  • Reply to: Backgrounder: the History of the NRA/ALEC Gun Agenda   12 years 1 month ago
    <p>Dear Sir or Madam:</p> <p>I do not believe that pointing out the gun culture is a knee-jerk reaction.&nbsp;</p> <p>Before the mid-1960s, there were fewer gun laws but there were also fewer military assault style weapons manufactured for people to stockpile.&nbsp;</p> <p>It is important for society to discuss the underlying issues, including the role that the ready availability of rapid-firing assault weapons play in deadly massacres like this horrifying tragedy.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
  • Reply to: Backgrounder: the History of the NRA/ALEC Gun Agenda   12 years 1 month ago
    I'm not pro-gun, but this seems to be a knee-jerk reaction to any violence that occurs. As one person pointed out, before the mid 60s there were guns in America and fewer gun laws than we have today. But these random/mass killings did not occur. What has changed? One thing is the use of psychotropic drugs. These powerful drugs were taken by a large number of people who ended up killing. More often than not, the person becomes aggressive or violent, or commits suicide, without killing someone else, so the media pays no attention. I think it would be better for our society to have a discussion of underlying issues that lead to this kind of violence than to simply look for easy answers which are really just bandaids.
  • Reply to: Backgrounder: the History of the NRA/ALEC Gun Agenda   12 years 1 month ago
    Although the state of Conn. has one of the toughest gun laws on their books, in the US., the laws of ownership can not prevent these disasters from occurring. Take away the means of self-protection from law abiding citizens and only Criminals,US Military,and Law Enforcement will have a means to control our personal lives, "for OUR safety".
