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  • Reply to: Wisconsin’s System Increasingly Rigged Against the Unemployed   7 years 7 months ago
    Wrong. Unemployment is funded by employees wages. These are obligations to the employee that must be paid to the government on the employees behalf. This is a more functional way of collecting, reporting, and dispersing these monies. Nothing more.
  • Reply to: 5 Things to Know about Billionaire Betsy DeVos, Trump Education Choice   7 years 7 months ago
    Inner city schools are the greatest example of the failings of the federal public education system.
  • Reply to: 5 Things to Know about Billionaire Betsy DeVos, Trump Education Choice   7 years 7 months ago
    Public education is actually worse in the United States since the creation of the federal Department of Education. Washington bureaucrats should not be involved, they always screw things up and they always over spend. We need to let educators in our home states figure out, through experience, how best to educate. That's the only way parents can have a direct say in how their children are educated and unsatisfied parent's who are invested in their children are who will drive the change.
  • Reply to: Kids Eating Rat Poison Is an "Acceptable Risk" for ALEC   7 years 7 months ago
    Amen! Rat poison can cause pancreatic damage causing overproduction of insulin causing hypoglycemia which can cause seizure and coma. This gets misdiagnosed as the cruel diagnosis of psychogenic seizures in uneducated DR's while they tell parents it's all in their mind. Life-threatening and ignored. Let's find another way to handle rats...and ignorance. Pls read Dr Elliot Slater's opinion on hysteria - too often a way of avoiding a confrontation with their own ignorance, especially dangerous when there is an underlying organic pathology not yet recognized...we find patients who know themselves to be ill but coming up against the blank faces of doctors who refused to accept is an area where catastrophic errors can be made. in fact that is often impossible to recognize the presence... only possible to those who come to their task in a spirit of humility. A also look up the diagnosis of Hysteria which was used to silence women and then look up with the treatment for it...sick.
  • Reply to: 5 Things to Know about Billionaire Betsy DeVos, Trump Education Choice   7 years 7 months ago
    Go spend a week at an inner city school volunteering. When you know what you're talking about, by having been in a classroom, come back with an informed opinion.
