About 25,000 PEOPLE DIE EVERY DAY of hunger or hunger-related causes DUE TO POVERTY which is also closely correlated with violence. This is one person every three and a half seconds, and it is children who die most often. Where is the outrage spurring you to end economic inequality worldwide? Hypocrites, all of you. Also, the shooter was NOT representative of gun owners, and if you took a moment to think, you would know that. I made a video about it, and it’s at my YouTube channel Zarrakan, and here’s the name:
2012 12 16 ZOC Shooting For Reponsibility Part 1
Watch it, share it, and join the fight against the evil anti-gun movement.
My State Farm Agent and I cried on the phone after 25 years with them, but we CANNOT condone such corporate corruption! Now Stand Your Ground Treyvon Martin and the Connecticut school children killings are linked to ALEC legislation written by the NRA. So are the disenfranchising voter laws and union busting. These legislators and corporations get together and write 350-page laws that sound good but do not benefit the people, only corporate profits. No More.
We dropped State Farm for The Hartford through AARP and it is comparable.
How would restricting concealed carry make the public safer? How many people have you heard of who go to the trouble of getting a permit go out and start shooting people? Do you know why only two people were killed in Oregon? It is because a man with a concealed firearm confronted the gunman and the gunman killed himself. I'm not opposed to limiting magazine capacity but concealed carry clearly makes the public safer, general crime goes down and massacres get stopped in their tracks. Appalachian Law School, Pearl High School, the mall in Oregon. Learn the difference between smart gun control and gun control that gets people killed as in gun free zones and limited carry options.
It seems pretty straightforward to me - guns were designed to kill things, including people. I am guessing that even if those teachers had guns, they would have been too busy and focused on protecting the children physically and emotionally to have run for their weapons first. I can't imagine a teacher setting the example in front of her students that the solution to problems is grab a gun and shoot somebody - to kill of course. I can't imagine a school where teachers are allowed to have guns to protect their students or themselves (as proposed in several places). I can't imagine as a teacher having to endure a professional development class on using weapons in the school setting - gun safety, target practice, how to prevent accidentally shooting your students or fellow teachers, the psychology of killing someone and when to make that determination, what happens if you can't pull the trigger and the legal ramifications of shirking that responsibility. . . No, it's just better in my mind to spend all that time and money teaching our children that violence is not the solution to violence.