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  • Reply to: Backgrounder: the History of the NRA/ALEC Gun Agenda   12 years 1 month ago
    <blockquote>Also, the shooter was NOT representative of gun owners..."</blockquote> <p>As far as we know, the shooter wasn't an owner at all; it was his mom who owned those guns. <p>Was she representative? I'm guessing she thought so, and I'm guessing she considered herself the very model of responsible gun ownership. Nonetheless, her negligence in keeping those guns and all that ammo, in a house she shared with a son with a troubled history, enabled those killings, her own first.</p> <p>The pro-gun side talks about Connecticut's "strict gun laws," but Newtown was already well along in being taken over by gun nuts:</p> <p> </p> <blockquote>...Yet recent efforts by the police chief and other town leaders to gain some control over the shooting and the weaponry turned into a tumultuous civic fight, with traditional hunters and discreet gun owners opposed by assault weapon enthusiasts, and a modest tolerance for bearing arms competing with the staunch views of a gun industry trade association, the National Shooting Sports Foundation, which has made Newtown its home. </blockquote> <p>If you're "shooting for responsibility" you need to aim better.</p>
  • Reply to: Fracking for Foreigners? New Report from Feds Backs More Natural Gas Exports   12 years 1 month ago
    It's hard to believe these companies can forge ahead without government restraint. The corporations, the media and government regulators are all blind to our purpose and seek only their own profit, at the world's expense.
  • Reply to: Backgrounder: the History of the NRA/ALEC Gun Agenda   12 years 1 month ago
    The issue is not who is a hypocrite... The agenda is not to make anyone hypocrites by exacting polices that protect the innocent. I am not against having a gun by taking away the right to bear arms. I am for every law possible that saves innocent lives. How that comes about I believe is through honest dialogue and if a new law(s) diminishes the possibility of innocent people be murdered and limits access to the wrong parts of society obtaining weapons, then I'm interested in that conversation. I see no benefit in shutting down the dialogue in advance that may have the potential for a safer society. Yes, there are starving people out there that needs resolution too.
  • Reply to: At ALEC Meeting, Indiana Regulator Advises Coal Companies on Delaying EPA Climate Rules   12 years 1 month ago
    Maybe you could investigate the type of organized bullying called gangstalking and how the police and firemen are in on doing the bullying of innocent people.
  • Reply to: Backgrounder: the History of the NRA/ALEC Gun Agenda   12 years 1 month ago
    Auto deaths are the lowest since 1949 and still over 32,000 a year. Even they've been regulated much more than guns. Estimated 310,000,000 guns vs. 254,212,610 autos in the U.S. Do the math,what kills more ? Yet anyone can buy a car. The 2nd amendment wasn't designed for hunting or sport shooting. It was designed for protection from criminals and a tyrannical government, which our keeps getting closer to every with the loss of our own freedoms to protect ourselves. We have a right to form a militia. Yet the Govt. raids any formed to take away guns now deemed illegal. How can we possibly defend ourselves and our nation if the Govt. is allowed to have the very weapons not available to us. The very first thing all tyrannical govts. do is disarm the citizens. Usually with the citizens approval not knowing what will come.
