Just so that its known, the earth is covered by a thin layer of animal waste. Its that thin layer of waste that makes it possible to grow plants, which in turn feed us animals so that we can - once again - feed the plants. Maybe its just me, but it seems to be a beautiful thing. Plants use solar energy and our waste products to produce food for us. We use that concentrated solar energy to move our bodies and return plant food to the cycle.
Whether you realize it or not, the earth is a closed system. All the raw materials we will ever use are already here, and most of them have been used before by our ancestors or other life forms. That water you are enjoying out of that plastic bottle was at one time or another the urine of someone or some thing. Failure to see this does not make it false.
Using sterilized human waste to grow food for humans keeps that waste out of the rivers and streams and causes it to shorten the cycle that MUST happen to keep us all alive.
I don't hear anybody in the legislature talking about restricting existing concealed carry permits.
I do however have an article that contests your stories about concealed carry saving lives stories.
Thanks for you interesting comment, however seems that you may have a conflict of interest given your position.
Fine for you not to be concerned about 'trace' amounts. Accidents happen, and food is an exceptional product.
As pointed out in the post above, Whole Foods needs to 'walk the talk' of their slogans. People shop at Whole Foods because they trust the company to go the extra mile and verify what their suppliers are doing. Customers deserve to know that human waste is being spread on their food.
thats the problem, the dumb ass sheeple scream and whine about health care (socialism) but then the ppl like the lady above is too weak or uninformed to speak up. Fcuk those idiots, your closed mouth is what is letting them get away with spending over 60% of taxes on military and war profiteering, kickbacks and free rein to energy, telecom, big pharma and insurance companies and the entitlement mentality of US Health care providers. They make more $ than anywhere in the world, prices are highly inflated compared to elsewhere (esp drugs). Corporate takeover of govt is complete bcuz u sat there and "didnt want to start anything" allowing the propagandized sheeple to spit out the soundbites they heard on FOX. Liberals suck for exactly this reason. They think govt=more laws help things and are afraid to fight back against the massive disinfo provided by MSM. The middle class who have a little, want more...actually believe Obama is not the worst tyrant we have had, worst civil and constitutional rights record by far. His healthcare program is a giveaway to the interests above. I just got Medicaid thru it, all happy...then I found that very few (elitist) doctors will take it and I am still unable to receive quality health care! The only clinic that accepts has the WORST incompetent doctors and staff that barely understand English and truthfully all the patients are illegal immigrants when i've been there (and with their six kids)All ppl deserve health care but all this does is create a third tier of so-called "health care fopr the poor and working classes that cant afford. The richest country in the world has no public health care and spends 300% more than the nearest country in on miltarism and 20% more ppl in prisons doing slave labor than the nearest country caging largely political prisoners, or economic. Make doctors- all doctors- take a certain % of Medicaid patients and not have it plastered across the file so they know who is and who isnt too.If you arent angry, you need to wake up! If you have friends like this educate them or leave them to find like minded friends, its intellectual bullying-a prime sign of fascism. They are the enemy and you are too if you continue to "not speak up." Real friends would learn from each other, and be GOOD PPL that believe we should help ppl not kill and cage them.