"Shit" is NOT just "shit", as you say. Shit containing human pathogens, pharmaceutical residues and toxins is a lot more than just "shit". I also object to "shit" from feedlots. I don't want my food grown in shit containing growth stimulants, antibiotics and antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Good old shit taken from barns of animals that spend at least part of each day roaming free suits me just fine, thank you.
sure, we have guns and the right to have them in the US. but, why do we *need* assault rifles, large amounts of ammo and body armor? this isn't for hunting, it's for wacky "end times" conspiracy nutters.
I don't want the only guns to be in the hands of government, either; but stockpiling insanely powerful weapons and wishing for a violent "end times" can only lead to wish fulfillment. maybe gun culture could slow down a tad? you think? they can keep their guns, but let's figure out a way to slow it down and calm down. fanaticism is never really healthy.
then, after the gun people take a step back, maybe we can start looking at the other causes of these violent outbreaks? the reasons for Sandy Hook and other mass shootings are more to do with our selfish, hopeless, overly entitled culture of nothingness; which leaves people burnt out on the inside. we would rather shop than talk to our neighbor. we would rather watch tv than respectfully discuss social systems with our neighbor. after we've bought a ton of worthless products and watched hours upon hours of pointless television, and endless hours staring at our "smart phones". we are now unable to function as human beings. this *might* have something to do with it?
If the head is split, ACQUIT!
If the nose is broke, MURDER 2 is a JOKE!
Better a wanna be cop than a wanna be gang banger.
By now, we all know the media prefers wanna be cops to wanna be gang bangers.