Recent comments

  • Reply to: The NRA's Deadly Spin: "Arm the Good Guys"   12 years 1 month ago
    So, it all boils down to putting the word "good" in front of something to consider it sufficient to pass a law on. You sir, are among those who muddy genuine discussion with your sarcasm instead of helping flesh out a respectful discussion with the common purpose of finding resolution to a deadly social problem. Why bother?
  • Reply to: ALEC-Inspired Union-Busting Bill Narrowly Passes in Michigan as Koch Group Cheers   12 years 1 month ago
    I'd like to know if you have ever worked in your sad little life. Maybe you worked at bilking the IRS but, I think that's about the extent of your small existence and that very big sore situated just below your nose. I'll bet you were and or, still are a parasite on you're parents thus never having to do anything for yourself. Sad little man, you probably irk yourself more than you do anyone up here. The best you could do for society is raise your pistol to your parasite noggin and pull the trigger.
  • Reply to: Backgrounder: the History of the NRA/ALEC Gun Agenda   12 years 1 month ago
    People are getting fed up with nonstop gun violence and want something serious done about it. And here you are, to nibble it to death. BTW, your screen name goes even better with "not verified" than mine does.
  • Reply to: Backgrounder: the History of the NRA/ALEC Gun Agenda   12 years 1 month ago
    I have read on here comments about the correlation of media and violence, video games and violence, and many people who believe life is as black & white as less guns equals less violence using other countries as examples. Well....International comparisons almost invariably compare the United States with some country with stronger gun control laws and lower murder rates. But, if facts really mattered at all you could easily compare the United States to countries with stricter gun control laws and higher murder rates - Brazil and Russia, for example. You could compare the United States with countries with more widespread gun ownership - Switzerland and Israel, for example - and lower murder rates. Stricter gun control laws do not solve the problem, if they did, then why do Brazil and Russia have higher murder rates? Gun ownership is also not a decisive factor in rates of murder, as is apparent with Switzerland and Israel, both countries whose citizens own more guns per person than do Americans. So where does this lead us? It leads us to a line of questioning that could shine new light onto an old problem - that there is something inherent within American culture, social elements that exist and exacerbate this type of behavior. Is it external factors such as socioeconomic class, population density, the weather, or internal factors, such as psychological make-up, cultural values, or personal values? Does it have more to do with mental illness, drug use, psychological or physical abuse? Does parental divorce play a role? Or could it be a combination of all of the above? When you start to ask these types of questions blaming tragedies like this solely on guns not only becomes absurd, but perhaps even a lazy excuse that allows people to not acknowledge the fact that owning a gun is not the problem. So all of you who want to hold to the idea that less guns equals less violence, you are wrong. It is not so black & white. Unfortunately, there is too much politics involved, too much money, and any intelligent academic willing to take the time to research this matter would probably ruin his or her career telling the truth, because the truth almost always runs contradictory to the agenda of power elites.
  • Reply to: "Energy In Depth" – A Reporters' Guide to Its Founding, Funding, and Flacks   12 years 1 month ago
    For some additional insight into what EID is and does, please see: Wendy Lynne Lee, Professor Department of Philosophy Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Bloomsburg, PA 17815
