You say, "Criminals don't follow the law!!"
NONE of the shooters in any of the mass shootings we've had over the years had CRIMINAL records.
They weren't criminals, they were mentally and/or emotionally unstable. And what they DID have was access to firearms capable of MASS MURDER.
In the 80's I worked in GEF II. I did not like the fact that the DNR Wardens were allowed to wear their guns in the bldgs. I mentioned it to Risk Mgt. and they stopped. These were "trainees". Guns do not need to be in any public bldgs., including the Capitol. Go out in the woods or to a shooting range. For god's sake people. Wake up, Sandy Hill just happened. Our so-called Governor doesn't give a $hit about guns, he just needs all that NRA money hitting his pockets. Teaches need to be telling Scooter to go jump off one of the tallest KOCH bldgs. he can find. Why the hell should they agree to being armed, he's doesn't give a crap about them. Hopefully Scooter will be in prison soon if his co-criminals have anything to say about it. They're all goin to jail.
At least they lost the presidential election. There has to eventually be some accountability regarding these super pacs. Elections can't be bought. That has to be the message.