Recent comments

  • Reply to: Backgrounder: the History of the NRA/ALEC Gun Agenda   12 years 3 weeks ago
    Dear Cody: I reject your baseless effort to impugn my character. Your attack only reflects poorly on you. I stand by my research of the NRA over the past nearly two decades, including my work as the Managing Editor and co-author of the National Integrated Firearms Violence Reduction Strategy. Your claim that the NRA has "been behind every 'reasonable gun-control' law ever enacted" is absurd on its face. The NRA tried to block the assault weapons ban. It objected to closing the gun show loophole. It has attempted to use the shooting massacres at schools to limit the ability of schools to limit guns on campus. It has sought to prevent cities from regulating even machine guns, armor piercing bullets, and altering guns to increase their deadliness. It has sought to prevent law enforcement from preferring gun manufacturers that adopt even voluntary codes of conduct. And, this is just the tip of the iceberg. In the face of the horrific massacre of first graders, it even suggested that video games kill people, not guns, and urged the deployment of armed volunteers in every school, hardly reasonable approaches to "gun control" Your assertions are what are lacking foundation in both facts and law. Lisa Graves
  • Reply to: $12M Donation to FreedomWorks Laundered through a "Shell Corporation" May Have Violated Federal Law   12 years 3 weeks ago
    Dick Armey in accepting $8 million to resign from the organisation he was going to leave because he was concerned about its direction reminded me of one of the funniest lines from British comedy. In a skit Peter Cooke acting as a billionaire had hired Dudley Moore as a piano teacher in the hope of learning to play Beethoven's Fifth symphony by the following week so that he and his orchestra could play it at his wife's birthday party. Moore complained that he had too much integrity to attempt such a task. Cooke answered by saying "I admire integrity and I am prepared to pay for it" Well done Dick $8 million buys quite a lot of integrity.
  • Reply to: Backgrounder: the History of the NRA/ALEC Gun Agenda   12 years 3 weeks ago
    Lisa Graves needs to research the activities of the NRA before she presents herself as an authoritative source of information on the NRA. They have been behind every "reasonable gun-control" law ever enacted. Some attorneys are honest. Lisa appears not to be one. At lease intellectually.
  • Reply to: "Operation Tripwire" -- the FBI, the Private Sector, and the Monitoring of Occupy Wall Street   12 years 4 weeks ago Pentagon overtly shows interest in Professosr Debarros's activity followed by my reports in the comment section. Here is the link followed by the site meter entry by Pentagon's global torturers & assassins: GERAL W. SOSBEE vs. fbi ? (Military) 140.185.55.# (The Pentagon) ISP The Pentagon Jan 6 2013 5:35:08 am Referring URL Visit Entry Page
  • Reply to: "Don't Ask, Don't Tell": Concerned Citizen Uncovers Whole Foods' Policy on Selling Food Grown in Sewage Sludge   12 years 4 weeks ago
    How do you want it to be? People who joined @10 think that regular Americans and subject matter experts – not government or the media -- are in the best position to solve problems. They want an easier way to participate, solve problems, and hold leaders accountable between elections.
