Sorry, President Eisenhower, President and leader of military forces in Western Europe during WWII, was right when he warned of a "Military-Industrial Complex."
Calm down, General -- we're not so much asking for <i>defense</i> cuts as cuts in the defense <i>budget</i>. Think weapons systems even the Pentagon doesn't want, not to mention thousand-dollar toilet seats. You know, corruption, waste, fraud and abuse -- the country's real entitlement problem.
You folks that scream out for defense cuts are complete hypocrites. Just FYI; the world is not getting safer. There are plenty of nations out there that would just love to see a nuclear weapon wipe us off the map. Before long, those countries WILL have the capabilities of using nuclear weapons. They aren't going to listen to those useless UN sanctions, and they will be able to use them against us. When that occurs, what will happen then? Folks like you will be pleading for a beef up in defense. So, I'd be careful what you ask for.
For a long time now, I've considered the Koch's, the tea smokers,the right wing wacko's, and the rest of their ilk Anti American bastards. Hell bent on destroying this country.