If the privileged and vastly wealthy can use NAACP v Alabama to keep their names secret, why can't the same be used to give others the same amount of money to spend on elections? Others with less money are discriminated against for the simple fact they are not wealthy. It would only be fair that the money spent to sway elections be shared equally so many will not be suppressed.
The personal moral choice stories and the suffering from pollution and even the increase in earthquakes that nobody is talking about all come under entertainment in comparison with the contribution of fracking to catastrophic global warming. Anything that distracts from the ultimate issue that is not being dealt with seems unhelpful and even sometimes self-serving. If Promised Land does tell more truth than Gasland, I'm already disappointed.
A literal reading of the 14th amendment would prohibit preferential treatment to one corporation or company since they are "citizens", without providing the same amenities to the entire class.