Justice isn't blind, but the public is. So, we get what we are.
For example, a recent lawsuit filed in the US Court of Federal Claims, by a vet who claims that it's the US government--not Chase and the big banks--that are responsible foreclosing on millions of VA- and other federally insured home loans.
If your loan was federally-insured and a "bank stole" it in foreclosure, under certain conditions the US government should be held accountable. That's why Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and VA-insured loans AREN'T part of the National Mortgage settlement. The US government can't settle with itself, for letting Chase and other banks take your home--because the federal government knew or should have known, what was going on since in many cases, the banks didn't have the proper paperwork, to foreclose anyway. They only had ACCESS to YOUR LOAN FILE--which they got by working with the federal government to service your loan or "safe guard" the paperwork.
Yet, NO ONE is talking about it. WHY?
Many attorneys know this is the case--but, no one "discusses" it on the Internet. The only way this can occur is that MANY judges, attorneys, real estate agents and government employees are IN on this--it boggles the mind.
The reason this CROOK resigned, is that he MIGHT have a conscience. What about the rest of them, that know what's going on and are HELPING to pull off the second biggest land grab in the US, since the settlers took the land from the Native Americans?
See the video on our YouTube Channel, "4 Justice Radio".
Read the complaint summary on Scribd.com, search "Veterans Foreclosures"
on the second page of the search results you'll see the complaint, "VA Veteran v. United States", the case is #13-11.
If you have any questions call me at 608.622.7009
Justice Journalist
"Exposing Injustice"
Really? How grass roots is it for a multi-billionaire and a Florida based mining company to come and destroy northern Wisconsin. Before a decision is made, take a look at what has happended to West Virginia and it's open pit mining. Polluted streams, uninhabited lands, mud slides and general destruction. Is that what you want northern Wisconsin to become? Again, really, follow the money.
Over the years I've watched the Republicans (and a few Democrats) bow down to these brothers from Hell. They met with Mich. Gov. Snyder in May 2011 after the protest during the Blossomtime Parade in Benton Harbor, Mich., right after Act 4 was put in full force. WE THE PEOPLE must demand transparency when it comes to these snakes--and others like them. (such as Whirlpool Corp.--"Puppet-master" of Berrien Co., Mich.) The morons in office need to do some serious soul-searching,(if they actually have one!!)and look at all the harm they have brought on the American citizens. Not ALL money is GOOD money. And, personally, I would NEVER accept a single cent from The Koch Bros. (or Whirlpool) To me, that money comes straight out of Hell.
I have not seen any of the films referenced here. All I have to say is that Wyoming experience with fracking has been tragic, with poisoned water wells, residents made terminally ill and properties made unsaleable. This sparsely populated state's regulatory mechanism was an abject failure. Who in a more populous state like New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio can assure us that the regulatory effort there will not become corrupted as it was 30 or 40 years ago out west? (see Eli Lustgarten's excellent articles on Wyoming fracking)
Environmental concerns have been hijacked by certain political parties to further their own agendas. If they truly care about the earth, why would they encourage the supression of studies performed by scientists at the CERN? Why would anyone who claims to be worried about the environment not want to be well informed? To be told the truth?
Just one of the reasons I stopped giving to the Sierra Club years ago.